PC Ayy


I'm Holly and I play the vidjya games and I listen to and make the bleep bloop musics and I eat the foods. Or something. You know your life's a shambles when it can be summed up in a grammatically incorrect (on purpose, of course >.>) sentence.

I play Terraria and imagine that my little character looks at me sometimes and shakes her head in befuddlement.

This is the end of my introduction post.
Through your usage of English, I don't know if you've left a good or bad impression on me. But I always try to start of nice with strangers, so I welcome thee to TCF with the mightiest of hullos.
Welcome to the forums. Where grammar and spelling inconsistences, confusement(even a word? Who cares!) and shambled lives are a thing of the norm. Enjoy your stay.

Terraria rules.
Welcome to the forums. Where grammar and spelling inconsistences, confusement(even a word? Who cares!) and shambled lives are a thing of the norm. Enjoy your stay.

Terraria rules.

I think your link is broken :p

In other news:

Welcome to hell TCF! Enjoy your stay and if you need any help feel free to Start a Conversation with me!
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