[BRAINSTORM] Is .plr decompilable? Idea to use CharGen to sprite custom TownNPCs


I realize going into this that I'm ignorant on many fronts, but I'd like my in-game towns to feel more like TOWNS. I haven't seen any mods that just add a couple dozen 'Randos that'll show up (or even better, the ability to manually spawn them in) For me it's about the aesthetic. Having the added motion/bustle is kind of fun!

I'm not a Terraria mod afficinado, Texture Artist, etc. and I've just barely got a grasp on C#. But I had an idea that would allow those of us not accustomed to spriting by hand to generate Town NPCs with potentially less hassle, and certainly less artistic skills.

I think the title says it simply: Create a new character, make it look the way you'd like your TownNPC to look, crack the .plr and harvest the .xnb, convert to .png and rinse and repeat. PCs are easily disposable once you're finished, and you've got a good base. Then just trim the sprite sheet to match the NPC format, copy and paste a ready-made NPC sitting legs onto the upper half and you're golden. (I realize there are more steps involved, but you get my point)

Doing some light research, I can't seem to find any information about cracking .plr files... seeing as how the File Info site (https://fileinfo.com/extension/plr) seems to only list the main .exe as being able to access it, I'm wondering if there's some encryption of the data or something... to keep cheaters from editing their stuff on multiplayer...? But that doesn't make any sense, given people do it anyway....

I'd like to get to the point that I can easily make my world feel less lonely and more like I'm building a SOCIETY, not an OUTPOST.

Friendly, constructive feedback and discussion is appreciated!
...Also, side note, looking in Terraria's system folders, Is it possible to make a program that would take the .xnb's and compile characters that way? Get some true randomization? I'm learning C# (not to mod Terraria, only just learned it runs on C# this evening) and I think that could be a fun long-term project; It'd be cool to have a program that creates custom NPCs at the touch of a button!
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