The Destroyer
EDIT: This was originally intended to be a RP,
but it's been 2 months and nobody has joined,
so I don't think it'll ever get off the ground.
So instead, I'm turning this into a thread for my LEGO creations and my sister's lego creations.
Well, I don't wanna scare any small children who may be listening, but it's a little-known fact that Lego Gotham City was built on a bunch of flimsy Lego plates stuck together.
Exactly two years ago, the Lego Joker tried to blow up Lego Gotham City with a big complex bomb, but he failed because Lego Batman stopped him.
But there was another identical bomb that was hidden 20 times as well... and had 20 times as much firepower.
And 3 weeks ago, it detonated. Lego Gotham city is in ruins.
But lately, a few brilliant inventors have been building huge mech suits that might be able to help rebuild. The only problem is, some of them are evil.
To submit a character, you must build a Lego mech IRL, and then post images of it, and describe its combat capabilities. If you have a pilot, you can also describe the pilot's personality.
You should also probably say the text color of the mech and/or pilot.
Or you can just use a different character that isn't a mech or a mech pilot. Whatever floats your boat. Just keep it child-friendly, this is Lego after all.
Also, I have a VERY IMPORTANT RULE regarding projectile spam. DO NOT spam lego guns and see-through studs all over your robot and say that all of them shoot big lasers.
I was going to have the character list in the OP, but I've made too many mechs for that to be a viable option...
The storyline will be split into phases, here's my phase 1 mechs:
but it's been 2 months and nobody has joined,
so I don't think it'll ever get off the ground.
So instead, I'm turning this into a thread for my LEGO creations and my sister's lego creations.
Well, I don't wanna scare any small children who may be listening, but it's a little-known fact that Lego Gotham City was built on a bunch of flimsy Lego plates stuck together.
Exactly two years ago, the Lego Joker tried to blow up Lego Gotham City with a big complex bomb, but he failed because Lego Batman stopped him.
But there was another identical bomb that was hidden 20 times as well... and had 20 times as much firepower.
And 3 weeks ago, it detonated. Lego Gotham city is in ruins.
But lately, a few brilliant inventors have been building huge mech suits that might be able to help rebuild. The only problem is, some of them are evil.
You should also probably say the text color of the mech and/or pilot.
Or you can just use a different character that isn't a mech or a mech pilot. Whatever floats your boat. Just keep it child-friendly, this is Lego after all.
Also, I have a VERY IMPORTANT RULE regarding projectile spam. DO NOT spam lego guns and see-through studs all over your robot and say that all of them shoot big lasers.
I was going to have the character list in the OP, but I've made too many mechs for that to be a viable option...
The storyline will be split into phases, here's my phase 1 mechs:
Note: the naming system I used for these mechs is similar to the naming system in Mega Man; the GMN stands for Green Metaknight Number, and then a hyphen, and then the number.
This one was made to be humanoid, so I needed to give it pants. The only way I could figure out how to do that was by giving it a kilt, so it's canonically Made In Scotland.
It has a sword that can swing almost everywhere in front of it, and a claw hand that is slightly less maneuverable, but neither arm can reach backwards very well.
It also has wings to fly, and 4 overhead blasters that shoot weak lasers. The legs can move, but not that well, so it prefers to stick to flying.
And the cockpit is very exposed and the limbs are kind of weak, so this mech tends to use a hit and run tactic.
Text color: #F7DA64
It has a sword that can swing almost everywhere in front of it, and a claw hand that is slightly less maneuverable, but neither arm can reach backwards very well.
It also has wings to fly, and 4 overhead blasters that shoot weak lasers. The legs can move, but not that well, so it prefers to stick to flying.
And the cockpit is very exposed and the limbs are kind of weak, so this mech tends to use a hit and run tactic.
Text color: #F7DA64
For the second mech, I wanted to focus on having a cool cockpit. But to be honest, I think I should just focus on making the mech itself next time.
The cockpit has a chair inside, but in order to sit on the chair, the pilot has to either not have arms, or open the top of the head to put the pilot in.
There's energy beams on either side of the chair that project energy shields, but the pilot's feet need a 1x2 plate on them, and the energy shields don't protect the very top of the pilot's head.
In its right arm (Its right), the mech holds a magic staff. I haven't thought of what spells it has yet. It can also put the staff on the ground in order to be more stable.
In its left arm, it has a giant gun. It has realistic sights, but it can't actually hold them up to eye level. It doesn't fire anything IRL, but it does IC.
It has rectangle-shaped holes in its chest and back in order to make it more lightweight, and it drives on 4 wheels.
If it wants to turn faster, it can lift either its front or back wheels off the ground.
Text color: #2C82C9
The cockpit has a chair inside, but in order to sit on the chair, the pilot has to either not have arms, or open the top of the head to put the pilot in.
There's energy beams on either side of the chair that project energy shields, but the pilot's feet need a 1x2 plate on them, and the energy shields don't protect the very top of the pilot's head.
In its right arm (Its right), the mech holds a magic staff. I haven't thought of what spells it has yet. It can also put the staff on the ground in order to be more stable.
In its left arm, it has a giant gun. It has realistic sights, but it can't actually hold them up to eye level. It doesn't fire anything IRL, but it does IC.
It has rectangle-shaped holes in its chest and back in order to make it more lightweight, and it drives on 4 wheels.
If it wants to turn faster, it can lift either its front or back wheels off the ground.
Text color: #2C82C9
The first mech was designed to be agile and offensive, the second was designed to attack at a range, so I designed the 3rd to be tanky.
It's shaped like a lopsided octagon, with a see-through bulletproof window in the cockpit to protect the pilot, and the top can open up.
Its left arm is very agile and holds a sturdy shield, and its right arm is less agile and holds a powerful taser.
On the bottom of the mech is a green hover booster that lets the mech hover slightly above the ground.
Text color: #99ee99
It's shaped like a lopsided octagon, with a see-through bulletproof window in the cockpit to protect the pilot, and the top can open up.
Its left arm is very agile and holds a sturdy shield, and its right arm is less agile and holds a powerful taser.
On the bottom of the mech is a green hover booster that lets the mech hover slightly above the ground.
Text color: #99ee99
The sans robot has 3 wheels, and it can lean forwards to lift the back wheel off the ground in order to turn faster. It also has 2 long arms that have swords on the end.
It has no pilot, and it's not artificially intelligent.
Text color: #888899
It has no pilot, and it's not artificially intelligent.
Text color: #888899
This tank robot moves slowly, but it shoots a powerful missile. There's probably going to be more than one of this one, but it has no pilot or artificial intelligence.
Text color: #61BD6D
Text color: #61BD6D
All of the mechs that I made IRL were made by an in-RP company called mCorp. There are a lot of scientists who work there, and 3 of them managed to make an AI.
One day, the AI started rebelling. But he gave the 3 scientists a deal; If they could beat him in an intelligence contest, he would become obedient again forever.
But if he beat them, they would become his slaves. The 3 scientists accepted the deal, but the AI beat them.
He forced them to build a new body for him, a giant demonic-looking mech that can imprison 3 lego people in it. One chained to the stomach, and one trapped in each arm.
The mech's head is similar to a dragon's head, with an overly complex way of attaching to the body, a hinging jaw, 2 glowing orange eyes, and fire for horns.
The mech's feet are like that of a shopping cart, with 4 wheels that can rotate.
Its left arm is a really big club arm with a cube on the end, and its right arm has sort of a trident hand on the end, with 2 swords on it and a cube replacing the center tine.
Both of the cubes in the arms have scientists trapped inside. The AI has been rampaging all over Gotham lately, and he's been calling himself the Demonlord.
Oh, and he's also unnaturally strong, as if he's possessed by a demon.
Text color: Bold EE0000
One day, the AI started rebelling. But he gave the 3 scientists a deal; If they could beat him in an intelligence contest, he would become obedient again forever.
But if he beat them, they would become his slaves. The 3 scientists accepted the deal, but the AI beat them.
He forced them to build a new body for him, a giant demonic-looking mech that can imprison 3 lego people in it. One chained to the stomach, and one trapped in each arm.
The mech's head is similar to a dragon's head, with an overly complex way of attaching to the body, a hinging jaw, 2 glowing orange eyes, and fire for horns.
The mech's feet are like that of a shopping cart, with 4 wheels that can rotate.
Its left arm is a really big club arm with a cube on the end, and its right arm has sort of a trident hand on the end, with 2 swords on it and a cube replacing the center tine.
Both of the cubes in the arms have scientists trapped inside. The AI has been rampaging all over Gotham lately, and he's been calling himself the Demonlord.
Oh, and he's also unnaturally strong, as if he's possessed by a demon.
Text color: Bold EE0000
This robot is basically off-brand Metal Sonic. It has 2 sword-wielding arms, a see-through cockpit, and in its chest is a gatling laser blaster that shoots weak but annoying lasers.
On its back, it has a Sound Engine, which blasts concentrated blasts of sound to propel GMN-007 forwards.
On its feet are dry ice generators, allowing it to slide across the ground with no friction by using the Leidenfrost effect.
Its sword arms are long enough that they can touch the ground, allowing it to control its sliding.
Its preferred combat strategy is charging at the other mech as fast as it can and stabbing with its sword.
Text color: c4c4c4
On its back, it has a Sound Engine, which blasts concentrated blasts of sound to propel GMN-007 forwards.
On its feet are dry ice generators, allowing it to slide across the ground with no friction by using the Leidenfrost effect.
Its sword arms are long enough that they can touch the ground, allowing it to control its sliding.
Its preferred combat strategy is charging at the other mech as fast as it can and stabbing with its sword.
Text color: c4c4c4
Unlike most mechs, GMN-008 is modular. It has an inner mech that contains the pilot,* and it also has grocery cart-style wheels.
*The pilot must not have arms.
And then there's the outer mech, which connects to the inner mech with technic pins. The exterior mech must fit a few criteria, but other than that it can have all sorts of weapons.
GMN-008 is the interior mech, and GMN-0080 through GMN-0089 will be the exterior mechs.
GMN-008 was built by the same scientists that made the Demonlord, but it wasn't finished until after the Demonlord enslaved them.
GMN-0080 through GMN-0089 are being made by other scientists.
*The pilot must not have arms.
And then there's the outer mech, which connects to the inner mech with technic pins. The exterior mech must fit a few criteria, but other than that it can have all sorts of weapons.
GMN-008 is the interior mech, and GMN-0080 through GMN-0089 will be the exterior mechs.
GMN-008 was built by the same scientists that made the Demonlord, but it wasn't finished until after the Demonlord enslaved them.
GMN-0080 through GMN-0089 are being made by other scientists.
GMN-0080 has 2 sword arms, but they aren't very poseable and it has to spin around in order to swing them.
GMN-0081 focuses on defense. It's a very similar design to GMN-0080, but with a few key changes;
On its head is mounted a spinny beam that hangs 2 shields from it, allowing it to protect itself better. In more close-quarters scenarios, it can swing the shields around to hit its opponent with.
Instead of having sword arms, it has arms that point up, with spinny things mounted on the tops of the arms. The spinny things will spin around and shoot lasers.
On its head is mounted a spinny beam that hangs 2 shields from it, allowing it to protect itself better. In more close-quarters scenarios, it can swing the shields around to hit its opponent with.
Instead of having sword arms, it has arms that point up, with spinny things mounted on the tops of the arms. The spinny things will spin around and shoot lasers.
GMN-0082 focuses on one thing: Firepower. It has a giant missile launcher on its head, and 2 laser shooters on its arms.
The missile launcher can aim in almost any direction, but the laser shooters can't aim as well.
The missile launcher can aim in almost any direction, but the laser shooters can't aim as well.
GMN-0083 has 2 sword arms which can swing overhead.
GMN-0084 is basically just "GMN-008 but wide." It's super heavily armored, and its only weapon is ramming into its opponents as fast as it can drive.
GMN-005 has a claw arm on its head, a claw arm for its left arm, and a taser arm for its left arm.
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The Destroyer
After being defeated for the first time, the Demonlord will go into a backup body, which attaches to a GMN-008.
It was built as sort of a "placeholder" body for the Demonlord, just in case he gets beaten and needs time to make a new body.
As you can see, the mCorp Mech Pilot in the GMN-008 it's on had to be decapitated in order for the Demonlord to fully control it.
The right arm wields the Demonblade, a special sword that only the Demonlord can wield.
The left arm has a grabby arm, and the head is the same as the original Demonlord head.
The DMN stands for DeMonlordNumber. ( He's secretly Cthulhu's brother in disguise /j )
It was built as sort of a "placeholder" body for the Demonlord, just in case he gets beaten and needs time to make a new body.
As you can see, the mCorp Mech Pilot in the GMN-008 it's on had to be decapitated in order for the Demonlord to fully control it.
The right arm wields the Demonblade, a special sword that only the Demonlord can wield.
The left arm has a grabby arm, and the head is the same as the original Demonlord head.
The DMN stands for DeMonlordNumber. ( He's secretly Cthulhu's brother in disguise /j )
GMN-0086, AKA the Biblically Accurate Mech, is a mech with 2 tiers of separately rotating thingies, each with 3 shields attatched. Its arms are just like GMN-0081.
Most of the previous mechs have been combat-focused, so I decided that I would make one that is useful outside of combat. (One of the ramps is from that one dino movie btw)
GMN-0088 is basically just GMN-0086 but with another tier of shields that has 4 shields. It's also known as Even More Biblically Accurate Mech.
GMN-009 is basically just a Guardian from BotW or TotK. It can walk around on 8 legs and shoot lasers from its eye.
After beating the Demonlord, the 3 scientists escape. Each one builds a mech to try to destroy the Demonlord with. This is one of said mechs.
It's a 4-legged mech that is controlled by the blue tubes on its legs, which can all fly and are all capable of supporting its full weight.
It's a 4-legged mech that is controlled by the blue tubes on its legs, which can all fly and are all capable of supporting its full weight.
After beating the Demonlord, the 3 scientists escape. Each one builds a mech to try to destroy the Demonlord with. This is one of said mechs.
It consists of a small platform with grocery cart wheels, and on top of it is mounted a long flexible arm thingy. On the end of the arm is a laser gun that a lego person can sit on top of.
It consists of a small platform with grocery cart wheels, and on top of it is mounted a long flexible arm thingy. On the end of the arm is a laser gun that a lego person can sit on top of.
After beating the Demonlord, the 3 scientists escape. Each one builds a mech to try to destroy the Demonlord with. This is one of said mechs.
It's a unicycle with a buzzsaw wheel, and the pilot sits on top. It has 2 long, flexible arms that have swords on the end.
It's a unicycle with a buzzsaw wheel, and the pilot sits on top. It has 2 long, flexible arms that have swords on the end.
GMN-013 belongs to Musk Elon, the CEO of mCorp.
It's a very fast motorcycle with 2 sword arms, and the glass panels protecting the cockpit were the same ones that were used in the Avengers base.
It's a very fast motorcycle with 2 sword arms, and the glass panels protecting the cockpit were the same ones that were used in the Avengers base.
GMN-014 is a flying shield. There's a lot of GMN-014s.
This mech has a unique way of getting around; it sticks to the ground, and it can unstick from the ground and use its arms to walk.
One arm has 2 swords that spin and create a force field, and the other arm has a hand that spins and freezes things at point-blank range.
The mech's creator who's name is TBD is in the mech, and there's wheel axles plugged into the holes where his arms used to go. (He doesn't have arms anymore)
One arm has 2 swords that spin and create a force field, and the other arm has a hand that spins and freezes things at point-blank range.
The mech's creator who's name is TBD is in the mech, and there's wheel axles plugged into the holes where his arms used to go. (He doesn't have arms anymore)
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The Destroyer
This mech was made by my sister. It's being piloted by Mr. Beast from Nexo Knights, and it was made by the weird yellow book with the question mark on it.
(Idk if this is actually accurate to Nexo Knights, I've never watched it and neither has my sister.)
It has motorcycle wheels which I helped build (They are the same wheels as one of the Phase 2 mechs), and it has a sword arm and a buzzsaw arm.
Its cockpit opens up, and it has a wooden club on it for if Mr. Beast has to get out and fight.
Its text color is #B8312E.
My sister will tell me what it does, and I will say what it does on the TCF since my sister doesn't have a TCF account.
(Idk if this is actually accurate to Nexo Knights, I've never watched it and neither has my sister.)
It has motorcycle wheels which I helped build (They are the same wheels as one of the Phase 2 mechs), and it has a sword arm and a buzzsaw arm.
Its cockpit opens up, and it has a wooden club on it for if Mr. Beast has to get out and fight.
Its text color is #B8312E.
My sister will tell me what it does, and I will say what it does on the TCF since my sister doesn't have a TCF account.
This is also built by my sister. The acronym doesn't stand for Global Positioning System Number, it stands for Gotham Postal Service Number.
It's built by a company named Gotham Postal Service, and it delivers legos all over the place. It's essentially a motorcycle.
On the front is a big shield on a long arm, and on the back is a little shield on a short arm. Also in the front, but closer to the middle than the big shield arm, is the claw arm.
And in between the claw arm and the little shield arm is the bin that it carries things in.
It's built by a company named Gotham Postal Service, and it delivers legos all over the place. It's essentially a motorcycle.
On the front is a big shield on a long arm, and on the back is a little shield on a short arm. Also in the front, but closer to the middle than the big shield arm, is the claw arm.
And in between the claw arm and the little shield arm is the bin that it carries things in.
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The Destroyer
DMN-200 is the final boss.
His head is the same old Demonlord head, but it has a longer neck so the mouth can open 180 degrees, allowing him to roar SUPER LOUD.
His shoulders have arms on them, 2 arms on each shoulder. He has no knees or toes, his legs have wheels on the end.
His right arm wields the Demonblade, and it's a really long arm. His left arm has a buzzsaw, and it also shoots lasers.
He has a cape made of swords, and the orange cones on the top of his cape can shoot missiles.
His front right shoulder arm can spin and shoot lightning, and it can also electrocute things at point-blank range.
His front left shoulder arm shoots a laser beam, and it can also function as a lance.
His back right shoulder arm has a magic staff, but the spells it has are TBD.
His back left shoulder arm has a cannon that shoots a missile.
And his eyes have chains on them. The ends of the chains that aren't connected to the eyes can shoot lasers, and the chains can fly.
If the chains have both ends connected to his eyes, the lasers are slightly more powerful.
His head is the same old Demonlord head, but it has a longer neck so the mouth can open 180 degrees, allowing him to roar SUPER LOUD.
His shoulders have arms on them, 2 arms on each shoulder. He has no knees or toes, his legs have wheels on the end.
His right arm wields the Demonblade, and it's a really long arm. His left arm has a buzzsaw, and it also shoots lasers.
He has a cape made of swords, and the orange cones on the top of his cape can shoot missiles.
His front right shoulder arm can spin and shoot lightning, and it can also electrocute things at point-blank range.
His front left shoulder arm shoots a laser beam, and it can also function as a lance.
His back right shoulder arm has a magic staff, but the spells it has are TBD.
His back left shoulder arm has a cannon that shoots a missile.
And his eyes have chains on them. The ends of the chains that aren't connected to the eyes can shoot lasers, and the chains can fly.
If the chains have both ends connected to his eyes, the lasers are slightly more powerful.
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The Destroyer
Mechpainter is a mech who paints. The pilot is Carpainter Jr., the son of Mr. Carpainter from Earthbound.
He has a paintbrush for its right hand, and a lightning staff for his left. The paintbrush can paint things, and it can also hit things.
The lightning staff can be thrusted forwards to make a forcefield that only lasts for a second, and it can be thrusted upwards to do a Crashing Boom Bang Attack.
The feet have booster thingies on the back so he can run faster than normal, but his legs are short so "normal" isn't that fast.
His head can look side to side, but it can't look up very well. He only has one eye.
The cockpit is located in Mechpainter's chest, but there is a HUD so Carpainter Jr. can see through Mechpainter's eye.
Also there's cool looking spikes on the shoulders. They're just decorative though.
He has a paintbrush for its right hand, and a lightning staff for his left. The paintbrush can paint things, and it can also hit things.
The lightning staff can be thrusted forwards to make a forcefield that only lasts for a second, and it can be thrusted upwards to do a Crashing Boom Bang Attack.
The feet have booster thingies on the back so he can run faster than normal, but his legs are short so "normal" isn't that fast.
His head can look side to side, but it can't look up very well. He only has one eye.
The cockpit is located in Mechpainter's chest, but there is a HUD so Carpainter Jr. can see through Mechpainter's eye.
Also there's cool looking spikes on the shoulders. They're just decorative though.
TforToe 💨
The Destroyer
Unfortunately, Totk doesn't have any guardians.basically just a Guardian from BotW or TotK. It can walk around on 8 legs and shoot lasers from its eye.
The Destroyer
Wait, really? I thought it did...Unfortunately, Totk doesn't have any guardians.
The Destroyer
I made it blue since I don't have the required pieces to make it out of purple.
(The blue thingy that gets put in the top is to make sure the spikes are at the right places)
(The blue thingy that gets put in the top is to make sure the spikes are at the right places)
The Supreme Corruptor is the leader of the Corruption Cult. He has 2 capes, and he has a fancy throne.
He can also make tangible holograms, which he likes to use as platforms to stand on.
He can also make tangible holograms, which he likes to use as platforms to stand on.
This one looks a bit more messy than the Hologram Demon Altar since it's way easier to make a blue thing with spikes on it than a pile of flesh.
The Supreme Crimsoner is the Crimson Cult's equivalent of the Supreme Corruptor. He has 3 capes, and he also has a fancy throne.
He also has hologram powers, though he prefers to use them for offense. He has a hologram sword, and he likes to summon hologram portals that shoot hologram crimson vines at people.
He also has hologram powers, though he prefers to use them for offense. He has a hologram sword, and he likes to summon hologram portals that shoot hologram crimson vines at people.
This whole cult was started by the man in the png. I made a lego version of him, and also a lego Eye of Xeroc.
The purpose of the cult is to help Xeroc make a garden in Gotham City.
I also gave a mech to the Gardener. It's just a cube with shopping cart wheels and a giant sword arm on the top.
The purpose of the cult is to help Xeroc make a garden in Gotham City.
I also gave a mech to the Gardener. It's just a cube with shopping cart wheels and a giant sword arm on the top.
This is the Gardener's second mech.
It's essentially a helicopter with a giant laser on the bottom.
It's essentially a helicopter with a giant laser on the bottom.
This mech belongs to the Second Gardener, who was the first person who the Gardener convinced to join the Gardeners' Cult.
It has an energy shield and an energy sword. It has 2 back wheels and a rotating front wheel.
It has an energy shield and an energy sword. It has 2 back wheels and a rotating front wheel.
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The Destroyer
I just edited Phase 2 Mechs to include GMN-015. Here's the phase 3 mechs so far:
This one is inspired by a dream I had where it was a videogame, and the main character was a car going 100mph on a freeway for a chase boss fight. This is said boss.
It moves with motorcycle wheels (The same ones in GMN-013 and EV1L MON$TER-001). It has a white and orange color scheme, the orange being fire.
It has a head that has an eye in the middle and a small flame on top, with an overly complicated system for the neck.
The eye can shoot orange lasers, and it can also shoot gasoline that's on fire.
Its left arm has an energy shield that's on fire, and it can move said shield around very fast.
The shield breaks after getting hit enough, but it regenerates after a few hours if the shield generator is still intact.
The right arm has a really cool flaming sword, which I built by wrapping orange see-through chains around a stick,
and using claws to connect it to technic pins to connect it to technic bricks to connect it to bricks to connect it to Bionicle joints.
In the chest is the pilot, who has a mask to conceal his identity and a jetpack to escape if the mech is broken.
In my dream, it could make a wall of fire behind it to prevent escape, but it won't be able to do that if I put it in an RP.
It moves with motorcycle wheels (
It has a head that has an eye in the middle and a small flame on top, with an overly complicated system for the neck.
The eye can shoot orange lasers, and it can also shoot gasoline that's on fire.
Its left arm has an energy shield that's on fire, and it can move said shield around very fast.
The shield breaks after getting hit enough, but it regenerates after a few hours if the shield generator is still intact.
The right arm has a really cool flaming sword, which I built by wrapping orange see-through chains around a stick,
and using claws to connect it to technic pins to connect it to technic bricks to connect it to bricks to connect it to Bionicle joints.
In the chest is the pilot, who has a mask to conceal his identity and a jetpack to escape if the mech is broken.
In my dream, it could make a wall of fire behind it to prevent escape, but it won't be able to do that if I put it in an RP.
The Destroyer
I made a LEGO Retinazer.
The Destroyer
The Destroyer
The first one isn't a torso; it's a torso extension to make the mech taller.
The Destroyer
Modular Mech Legs
(I'm lazy, so for the rest of the Modular Mech stuff, I'll just attach the files instead of inserting all of the images.)
EDIT: ok nvm I have too many images of the mech to be able to do that. I'll have to insert the images.
(I'm lazy, so for the rest of the Modular Mech stuff, I'll just attach the files instead of inserting all of the images.)
EDIT: ok nvm I have too many images of the mech to be able to do that. I'll have to insert the images.
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The Destroyer
The Destroyer
The 2 shields that are being dual wielded in the 11th picture are the Magnet Shields. The white one will defend better if you've just hit someone with a shield, and the black one is better at hitting people if you've just successfully blocked an attack with a shield.
The Destroyer
The Destroyer
These weapons are: GMN-002's magic staff, the Demonblade, Mechpainter's paintbrush,
a sniper railgun heavily inspired by the LEGO Zentyx I made a while ago, and GMN-016's fire lance.
a sniper railgun heavily inspired by the LEGO Zentyx I made a while ago, and GMN-016's fire lance.
The Destroyer
These weapons each have 2 forms. There's the Lightsaber Shield, which can be either a giant lightsaber hilt thingy or an energy shield generator, the 2-Phase Shield, which can be either rectangular or lightning bolt-shaped, and the Extendable Sword.
The Destroyer
The last weapon is made of orange see-through studs that have a rare condition that makes them extra orange.
The Destroyer
One of these weapons was originally meant to be used for a car, but I just put a technic pin in the end so it can be a weapon.
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