Switch Can you get the bird banner on this version 🤨


I’m playing terraria switch version and collecting all the banners before I go into Hardmode Which includes the bird banner. I’ve set up a bird statue on a 1 second timer with Dart traps but the kill Count didn’t increase so I thought it was because I didn’t kill them, so I disabled the dart traps and killed them manually but the counter didn’t increase. How can I get to 50 bird kills when the counter isn’t increasing. I know I’ve killed some birds because the counter is on 8 birds so am I doing something wrong, I thought statues would drop banners. Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong?
Birds from statues do drop banners, however killing them with traps won't work as the tally counter won't increase. You have to kill them manually.
I think there's a bug with the tally counter on the Switch version. For some reason, there are times when it just doesn't count you kill a mob, even if you did it all by yourself. I noticed it when the counter stuck at 49 blue slimes and didn't recognize killing anything.
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