cant change keybinds


when ever I change keybinds it will say none or unbound
with letters like a or b or even alt it will make it I cant click a thing
ive tried changing it in input profiles.json
but mod keybinds dont come up
Can you give us some more info?

Normally to change a keybind you would go into Settings->Control->Keybinds, then:
1) left click on an action once so it turns yellow
2) press they key/mouse button/et al you want to assign to the action

Can you be a bit more specific about where you are running into a problem?
it does go yellow then when I click again it will say unbound or none so
I did do everything I can but it doesnt work still but it will sometimes just freeze my game so I can highlight just no click it if I use :alt or any letter
that's what I know I have tried changing a lot in files too
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