Mobile Can't plant fireblossom... it's driving my son crazy, please help!!!


My son really wants to farm fire blossom. I've looked up all the instructions on doing so. He's playing on an iPad mini. He found tons of fire blossom, but the problem is he can't put it down anywhere. We tried putting it in a clay pot and on ash block. We select it and tap to place it and nothing happens. I've tried it on other surfaces and I can't place it anywhere. Any suggestions? Please help!
Is your son trying to plant the flower?
I'm afraid that's not possible. What he should be able to plant is the fireblossom Seed
, which drops from blooming fireblossoms. To make a Fireblossom bloom, you need to put it in a little bit of lava.
There should be a couple of fireblossoms standing in lava occurring naturally down in hell if you search carefully. You could also bring a bucket and wall in a section where fireblossoms grow naturally and then pour some lava. When they bloom you could harvest them for seeds.
Is your son trying to plant the flower?
I'm afraid that's not possible. What he should be able to plant is the fireblossom Seed
, which drops from blooming fireblossoms. To make a Fireblossom bloom, you need to put it in a little bit of lava.
There should be a couple of fireblossoms standing in lava occurring naturally down in hell if you search carefully. You could also bring a bucket and wall in a section where fireblossoms grow naturally and then pour some lava. When they bloom you could harvest them for seeds.

Ahhh... that makes sense. Yes, we were trying to plant the flower then put lava on it. So, initially, you can only get seeds by finding naturally occurring fireblossoms?
Ahhh... that makes sense. Yes, we were trying to plant the flower then put lava on it. So, initially, you can only get seeds by finding naturally occurring fireblossoms?
Yes. Btw I'm a bit unsure if pouring lava over them is necessary in the mobile version of Terraria (I don't play that version). I know Godeglue who developed the mobile version added some 1.3 features in the last few updates. One such feature was that Fireblossoms bloomed naturally in the afternoon. I'm not sure if the mobile version have that feature or not.
Thanks so much for your help! One more question... any tips on not dying in the underworld? My son found the fire blossoms and he's trying to get the seeds, but he can't seem to survive long enough. He found some, poured lava, and nothing happened. Less than a minute later, he's getting killed. Every single time. With or without the lava, what exactly is supposed to happen when you find a fire blossom? Should there be seeds around it, or do you have to periodically check on them to see if they've bloomed?
Once they bloom
they can be cut down. Each should drop the flower and 1-3 seeds.

As for surviving in hell, get your best gear and don't linger in one place for too long.
Should he be looking for ones that have already bloomed? Once you've found a sprout, how long does it take to bloom? He's finding the sprouts all over the place, pouring lava on them, nothing is happening. Sorry for so many questions, but I really appreciate the help!
Yes. The sprouts won't bloom if you pour lava on them (or wait until afternoon). As for they growing speed, it will take anything from almost immediately to several in-game days for them to grow. It's random.
To add on to r4v1n6’s great info, here are some screenshots to help identify the difference of when a Fireblossom will drop seeds.


You’ll notice that I added some blocks around the unblooming Fireblossoms (in this case, dirt blocks but any block will do) and then poured in one bucket of lava. The dirt blocks help keep the lava in place.
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