Weapons & Equip Cloud Hook

Goblin Mage

The Destroyer
it works like a normal hook except if it reaches its limit without attaching to something it will spawn a cloud and allow you to swing off of it

it would be super powerful as its basically infinite flight so it would need alot of changes to be balanced

cloud hook_big.png
crafted with some endgame hook + X amount of cloud blocks and souls of flight? that would make its availability (mid to late hardmode) somewhat balance out its power, but even then i could see it being endgame (using the lunar hook, for example)
Still think you can only use one cloud till you land, so you can technically grapple to the sky, grapple to the roof, land, start over.
i like all the ideas yall added

so the new design is its crafted with the default grappling hook (making it useful) + x amount of cloud blocks + cloud in a bottle + soul of flight
and it has the same cooldown as cloud in a bottle as in you only get 1 or 2 cloud uses before u need to land or grapple to a block
I have to say, this is not what I was imagining when you said "cloud hook." I thought you meant a hook that would spawn a cloud after it hooks to something, so that you have a temporary platform to stand on when you disengage the hook. Your idea is good too, though. Definitely it should be very limited and probably it shouldn't have very far reach.
My party had something like this back when I was playing Arduin.

I don't really care if it's infinite if it's mid hardmode. You have a ton of flight options by the time you get to early hardmode.

Consider that it has to extend its full length without hitting anything first, and you'll be falling that whole time it's extending.

As long as it doesn't reset your jumps or your wings, and it has a reasonably long reach, and doesn't have a superfast chain, I can't see abusing a cloud hook for infinite flight would actually be all that convenient. Chain speed/length could also easily be balanced so that you're always losing height.
gonna be honest, this reminds me a whole lot of Ammutseba's Sash from the Thorium mod.
gonna be honest, this reminds me a whole lot of Ammutseba's Sash from the Thorium mod.
I guess, although the dark star can be placed anywhere, the cloud hook goes much less far and only grapples at full length
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