Official Console and Mobile updates ETA

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Thanks. I just posted the ones I came across. didn't really read everything (except the spectre set)... I wasn't going to mention that though because I don't want my hood set nerfed. lol.
Can you screencap the tooltips for me?

Spectre mask, not Spectral. Sorry.

Playing in French, the bonus is a mana consumption decrease instead of the additional damages.


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Timers do no work.

I had an arean set up with my traps on a timer. When I activated them, they used to fire on a timer.

Now they only go off once and they do not fire again when the timer runs out. I have to manually click them each time I want my traps to go off. Huge PITA.
Bug report:

I tried to get beetle armour but i cant even spawn golem. I was using a lizhard power cell at the lizhard altar in the lizhard temple but nothing happened. I will post a pic below.
Ok... Couldn't sleep. Sister came to my room as soon as I was gonna then I had to get up.
Well. I'm gonna get back to bug finding. I will again post another list of bugs I find with their pics.
I reckon by far the frost legion one is my favourite bug. :D
Haha ^^

I think this is a good update even though the amount of bugs. It's better than the terraria I had a couple days ago. I think it's awesome looking for bugs. Especially when you find a big one that has really messed the game. (Frost Legion) :D
[DOUBLEPOST=1449780373,1449780285][/DOUBLEPOST]If only I could record. I show you all how funny the frost legion is.
Haha just opened my world and they are still gliding along the ground.
Can only say one thing...its about time, pc I think is close to 1.3.1 or 1.3.2 all I can really say is, I'll end Duke with my true nights edge...can't wait to re-hunt queen bee for the bee mount.
Wasted another 100mb. But 13cent is okay (2gb 3,50€ here in indonesia). But still not running -.-
Ah I'm sorry :/ I'm not familiar with Windows phones so I can't be of much help. Loki has made it a priority though so it will be fixed ASAP.

How do you move a local save to a cloud save on iOS 9(ipad 3) with the new update. Thanks in advance!
I don't believe that is possible for the mobile version.
haha Yup. Don't count on my prediction though. It wasn't a dream like the mobile update one I had.
I know Sony usually updates on Tuesday's and Thursday's, so I'm looking like next week. This is me-->:zombie:*Dead* in the waiting pool.
Guess I'll create me a real-life Terraria world layout with my kids legos*sarcasm*
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