Items Consumable version of Philosopher's Stone

Are you suggesting this as like a consumable that permanently (or even for just a duration) reduces your potion cooldown? Or are you suggesting one that, when used, would reduce current potion cooldown by an amount equivalent to philosopher's stone?
Out of these options, the first option I simply cannot support, as that would take away the point of having philosopher's stone.
Second one would meanwhile need to have things done to balance it, like having its own cooldown so you can't just spam them to skip potion cooldown.
So, you want a potion that would reduce the cooldown of healing potions? I don't support that. It would outclass the Philosopher's Stone completely.
Ok then. I haven't seen anybody use it past the first few hardmode bosses, so perhaps as a mid-hardmode shimmer able item, that perhaps slightly weakens the effect, but it's permanent.
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