Corruption / Crimson Question


Can the Corruption and Crimson Reach Upwards and into space by any chance? I was hoping if i build my city at the top of the universe the Corruption won't reach me up there or affect my NPCs.

Just curious so i don't accidentally build another Tele-Vator only to find out that it will affect5 my NPCS even in space and make them wanna move out.
Through normal biome spread, Evil Biomes can only spread a few blocks away from where solid, corruptible blocks are. As long as you don't put any corruptible blocks (Like sand, ice, dirt with grass on it, mud with grass on it, stone, etc) forming a bridge between space and the surface, the corruption and crimson will be unable to get up there.
Though I strongly recommend building that base out of blocks that can't be corrupted, just in case the evil biomes do manage to get up there.
The Corruption/Crimson can't reach into the space layer unless you intentionally build a layout to let it spread up there.

If you're not in hard mode yet, there's a chance that the initial "V" generation could infect a floating island or 2 that is in the path of the V once you start hardmode. It would also go to any corruptable blocks you have in your sky city if the V goes through it. Would recommend using non-corruptable blocks like Green Metaknight said above to be completely safe. That will let you build a sky city that can't be corrupted.
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