Texture Pack danrevic's Sprite/Texture Replacements



With the 1.4 update's official support for Texture Packs I decided to create a few visual changes myself.
They're mostly just edits of existing Terraria sprites.

To install them, all you need to do is move the attached .zip file(s) of your choice into Terraria's "ResourcePacks" folder. If you can't find it, the game has an "Open Folder" option in the Texture Packs menu.

Now on the Steam Workshop! Click here to see!

Remastered Wall of Flesh - Grotesque but faithful!
Imagine being a gigantic mass of flesh forced to crawl through a sea of hot magma. Ow. Ouch.
I've been wanting to do this for a while, it's not the best but I felt the wall needed a facelift. Very much inspired by the flesh blocks.
The little mouths are slightly animated!
Wall of Flesh preview 1.png

Wall of Flesh preview 2.png

Remastered Molten Armor - Become a true conqueror of the underworld!

[insert Dark Souls 3 quote because fire] updated a lot of the molten tools and weapons - but not the armor (maybe it's just too classic and nostalgic, it's one of my favorites too!).
So I've given the helmet a more "helmet-like" look and used the palette found in various molten gear
...and couldn't decide what version to pick so I made a few variations of it.
If you're interested in a more classic look with hellstone bar colors I recommend makoface's "Molten Armor Re-scorched" , which I personally used prior to making this!
Installation for this is slightly different: You'll have to extract a folder of choice from the .zip file and put that into the "ResourcePacks" folder. Feel free to mix and match the textures by copying and overwriting the images!
molten previews.png

From left to right: "Ashes", "Embers" and "Searing"
Molten weapons and tools for color comparison.

Tiny Slime Princess as Master Mode Slime Pet
Cute things are cute.
Did you know gnomes have a similar height to the slime pets? It's also amazing how much detail the artists could squish into the game's smallest sprites.
Comes with several eye variations! Feel free to change them by copying and overwriting the images! Also includes some miscellaneous sprites for further customization.
Installation for this is slightly different: You'll have the extract the .zip file to use the pack.
slime previews.png

Closed-Face Hardmode Helmets
Double up the options! Dress up for your jousting match today!
I ended up doing it. I feel like it's a bit hit and miss but I think it's in a good spot. Most edits are inspired by real-life and Terraria's helmets.
Pearlwood armor not included because it's... still wood.
I hope I made no errors! (Inventory icons are unaffected by this pack!)
Capture 2020-06-07 23_14_08.png

I took a lot of artistic liberty with the palladium headgear. Worth it!

Closed-Face Pre-Hardmode Helmets

My platinum helmet was so sharp it somehow shaved my face and head. I now hide my smooth baby-face behind a closed helmet. A helmet shinier than my bald head.
I've always wondered how the copper/tin helmet would look like with the visor down. Apparently it looks like this! Most edits are inspired by real-life and Terraria's helmets.
Wood armor not included because it's... wood.
I hope I made no errors! (Inventory icons are unaffected by this pack!)
Capture 2020-06-07 01_38_32.png

Yes, the bee helmet is indeed a beekeeper hat with veil.

Alternate Shark-like Baby Shark
The shark stared into my soul with wide eyes...
Personally, I wasn't a fan of the shark pup's googly eyes, so I've created this alternate version.
I think it's just as cute - if not cuter.

Red Devil as Imp Minion
Don't like imps? How about slender red devils instead? Tridents not included.
Round imps are fine and all but a stronger enemy deserves the title of strongest pre-hardmode minion.
I also changed the staff's look to match the red devil's color.

Vampire Bat as Sanguine Bat Minion
Sanguine bats too bloody and spooky? How about vampi- oh. Oh no.
Yet another minion replacer. The white bat spectres were a neat concept but kind of a letdown compared to enchanted daggers.
Now they can live up to their bloody reputation!

Mini-Dreadnautilus as Sanguine Bat Minion
The more you think about it, the more you realize this is a more thematically appropriate alternative.
The bats were cool but in a sleep-deprived epiphany while I farmed the Dreadnautilus for the staff I realized: Why bats? I'm fighting a giant deep-sea creature. Even pre-hardmode got a frog from questionably amphibian undead.
I also changed the staff's look to fit the new minion.

Sword 'n Pickaxe Cursor
Alternate cursor in the shape of a sword. Smart cursor is a pickaxe.
Working with what is virtually 7 pixels large is hard.




sanguine nautilus preview.png

In case the downloads break, I've set up a mirror on a mega cloud.
Click here for the link!


  • Alternate Baby Shark.zip
    10.2 KB · Views: 2,728
  • Imp Minion to Red Devil.zip
    17 KB · Views: 3,307
  • Sanguine Bat to Vampire.zip
    7.8 KB · Views: 1,929
  • Sword n Pick Cursor.zip
    16 KB · Views: 4,418
  • Closed-Face Pre-HM Helmets.zip
    61.1 KB · Views: 6,798
  • Closed-Face HM Helmets.zip
    70.3 KB · Views: 6,632
  • Molten Armor Pack.zip
    167.8 KB · Views: 5,450
  • Slime Pet to Tiny Slimegirl (has to be unpacked).zip
    141.5 KB · Views: 3,145
  • Sanguine Bat to Nautilus.zip
    34.1 KB · Views: 3,001
  • Wall of Flesh Retexture.zip
    135.7 KB · Views: 3,670
Last edited:
Tbh, the only reason I didn't use the shark pet was because of the eyes
Thank you so much for this! The other textures are pretty sweet too
Update: I've completed a new addition to my collection! Closed-face variants for pre-hardmode and hardmode helmets!
Previews as well as downloads can of course be found in the OP.
All of these packs are so very well made and I can't imagine ever removing them. Phenomenal work.
These armors should be in game, the craftable ones should appear as optional variants when making them and the ones that drop from npc's should have a random chance of dropping either the old styles or the ones portrayed here. I love closed style helmets but I'd like to have the open designs as well for variety's sake. That way, when playing with friends you can continue to customize the appearance of your character even if both of you are wearing the same armor.
Once again I'm making an update post: Since the closed-face helmets I've added a few new texture packs, notably a remaster for both molten armor and the Wall of Flesh!
(Other additions include another sanguine bat replacer and a slime pet retexture.)
Heyo, the wall part in the wall of flesh remaster work fine, but the eyes and mouth dont work properly, any fix for this
Can you explain what you mean by not working properly? Are they not using my custom sprite?
You might be using a texture pack that overwrites the remaster. Try changing the order with the "move backwards" arrow button in the menu; having a pack further backwards gives it higher priority.
Can you explain what you mean by not working properly? Are they not using my custom sprite?
You might be using a texture pack that overwrites the remaster. Try changing the order with the "move backwards" arrow button in the menu; having a pack further backwards gives it higher priority.
Thank you so much, that fixed it right up! Have a great day man!
I'm having some trouble with installing the slime one, can anyone help me out?
Unlike the default method you have to open up the .zip file and extract the folder called "Slime Pet to Tiny Slimegirl" to your resource pack folder. The alternate sprite variations can be copied and pasted into .../Content/Images/ to replace the default images provided.
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