tModLoader Dat Mod

(Name WIP)
This is a mod I started making since I wanted to learn how to mod Terraria. It will slowly evolve into a massive mod with a bunch of everything (hopefully):merchanthappy:

It can be found on the Mod Browser in game (Sorry no direct download atm)


(All sprites will be remade at one point or another)
The Dawn Shot (gun equivalent of Nights Edge)

Low damage
Single shot
High fire rate

Made from:
Minishark x1
Flintlock Pistol x1
Handgun x1
The Undertaker/Musket x1

at a Demon/Crimson Altar

True Dawn Shot (gun equivalent of True Nights Edge)

Low damage
Single shot
High fire rate

Made from:
The Dawn Shot x1
The Broken Rifle x1

at a Mythril/Orichalcum Anvil

Daga (gun equivalent of Excalibur)

Medium damage
Multiple shots
Low fire rate

Made from:
Hallowed bars x12

at a Mythril/Orichalcum Anvil

True Daga (gun equivalent of True Excalibur)

Medium damage
Multiple shots
Low fire rate

Made From:
Daga x1
The Broken Rifle x1

at a Mythril/Orichalcum Anvil

Sumacha (gun equivalent of Terra Blade)

Medium damage
Multiple shots
Medium fire rate

Made from:
True Dawn Shot x1
True Daga x1

at a Mythril/Orichalcum Anvil

The Broken Rifle

30.94% Drop chance
Additional drop from Mothron, (alongside whatever you can get)


I'm always open to suggestions and comments/criteria, so don't hesitate.​
Last edited:
Please do add spoilers with more information on the mod. (It's items, bosses, ores, etc. The mod seems worth looking into though.
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