PC Day Counter


I made this after seeing this thread from @Eternalserenity, I had the idea to make something to count how many in-game days have past. I also used @MageKing17 's design with the faulty lamps from the same thread. Not sure if my design with the display is good, but its the best I could come up with.

Every day at 4:30 am, the day sensors will trigger the faulty lamps shifting the On Lamp one place over which changes the 7 segment display to the next number.
Think you'll get as far as using the thousands digit? That would be about 417 hours of time in-world!...

So basically, there are four identical 10 state counters chained together. Each of the states represents number (0-9) and when one is active it goes through the logic to turn on correct segments for that digit. Did you get that logic setup from anywhere in particular, or thing it up yourself? :)
Think you'll get as far as using the thousands digit?
I have a tendency to spread the contraptions I build across multiple worlds, so prolly not. It actually took a few minutes to cycle through all the numbers with a 60 act/s engine when I was testing to see if all the wiring was right.

Did you get that logic setup from anywhere in particular, or thing it up yourself?
I made that up my self. Went through each number and figured out out which segments I needed to turn on/off to get the next number. Got some pretty interesting combinations when I got it wrong.
Sweet!:D And actually, as you have it setup there, it would be pretty useful as video frame indexing clock, to see the exact timings of hoiktronic events, etc. :cool:
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