Mobile Dequipped armour tooltip

Ted Lastname

When selecting some armour and using the equip button, the armour that gets dequipped starts as not selected. However, when I do select it, the tooltip is the same as the armour I just equipped.
I went from boreal wood to lead chest plates, and the boreal wood showed the stats for the lead. This goes away if you deselect it and go back. After you initially equip the armour, the tooltip doesn't go away either, not sure that's a bug, but it seems odd to me.
Just tried it out and I can see what you're saying, although it might be such a small display anamoly that it won't get that much attention since when you click off and then back on the armor item it does show the correct description.

Switching between Wood Breastplate and Chlorophyte Plate Mail, I just auto-equipped the Chlorophyte piece, thus removing the Wood piece and having it placed in my inventory. The display says Chlorophyte with no item selected.

Clicking onto the Wood piece it will still display Chlorophyte.

Clicking onto another item - the Acorn in this example. Display shows correctly as Acorn.

But then clicking back onto the Wood piece it will now show correctly as Wood Breastplate.
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