**REPORTED** "Don't Dig Up" Seed: Hallow Strip generates too far out, Hallowing worlds outermost three layers of blocks

Full Metal Kirby

Official Terrarian
Steam or GOG
Single Player/Multiplayer
Operating System
Windows 10
Terraria Version
Controls Used
Playing on the Don't Dig Up seed (large world size), on defeating the Wall of Flesh and causing the strip of Hallow to generate, the strip generates too far towards the worlds edge (either side), changing the outermost three blocks (except the very outermost) to pearlstone/pearlsand/etc.

This makes it completely impossible to remove the hallow from the map/world's edge, as projectiles are deleted before being able to interact with the blocks / the blocks can't be modified in any other way in-game.


Mini Nuke II's shot off the edge of the playable map, unable to remove a single one of the outer blocks.
(Picture taken with TEdit since there's no way to show it in-game, but world itself is entirely vanilla / unmodified with external tools.)
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