tModLoader Dowsing - Quickly locate materials, mobs, and treasures!


Note: This mod is decommissioned indefinitely, due to lack of interest, time, and some technical issues.

Dowsing v1.0.0


Requires Hamstar's Helpers v1.0.5+

Here's a handy thing for any treasure hunters: Locator rods (AKA dowsing rods). Merely aim and activate them in a direction, and they'll detect a given thing up to 200 blocks away in a line, regardless of obstruction (even modded things!). Be warned: If you locate something but fail to reach it in time, you'll be in for a rude shock!

Source available here.

  • zrReCen.png
    • Dowsing Rod: Detects materials (blocks/ore) of a given type.
    • Recipe: 16x Ebonwood/Crimwood, 1x Lens, 1x Feather, 4x Active Stone Block
    • Usage: Right-click the material type to 'attune' the rod to detect more of that material. Once charged, aim and activate in any direction.
  • LWN8gfo.png
    • Vining Rod: Detects object types; e.g. Strange Plants, Life Crystals, Chests, and Statues (any).
    • Recipe: 1x Dowsing Rod, 3x Vines, 3x Amber
    • Usage: Right-click the material type to 'attune' the rod to detect more of that object. Once charged, aim and activate in any direction.
  • 4MfG1qW.png
    • Witching Rod: Detects rare mobs. COMING SOON!
    • Recipe: 1x Dowsing Rod, 1x Guide Voodoo Doll, 10x Purification Powder, 10x Obsidian
    • Usage: Aim and activate in any direction.
  • u7uvV8j.png
    • Divining Rod: Detects mobs with rare items. COMING SOON!
    • Recipe: 1x Vining Rod, 1x Witching Rod, 1x Large Diamond
    • Usage: Right-click a mob of a given type to 'attune' the rod to detect mobs of that type holding rare items. Once charged, aim and activate in any direction.

For future consideration:
  • Do I want rod types for different tiers of things?
  • What would be a good way to combine rod types without redundancy or functionality collision?
  • Would a 'Dowsing Radar' accessory (AKA omni-directional dowsing, albeit imprecise) be worthwhile?
  • Is there a good way for Witching and Divining rods to be set to locate specific things (as opposed to generally 'rare' things) the player can't have discovered yet?
  • How much demand is there for a rod type for locating specific fish?


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v1.0.0 (beta)
  • Dowsing Rod created. Able to search for tiles.
  • Vining Rod created. Able to search for objects (chests, life crystals, furniture, etc.)


  • Dowsing
    57.7 KB · Views: 276
Mod discontinued until I can figure out why this (via. NPCSpawnInfoHelpers.GaugeSpawnRatesForPlayer() being called, such as from an Update method) causes a torrent of NPC spawns in multiplayer (instead of simply gauging rates).
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