Mobile Easier way to dash on mobile

Pikascyther Plays

The Destroyer
It adds a new button if you have something you can dash with. Its near the attack joystick. The sprite is the icon of your dash accesorry. If you press it you will dash and there will also be a cooldown. If it deals damage (like eoc shield) the cooldown will be longer
For me the issue isn't performing a dash when you want want. That's easy. It's when you manoeuvre or adjust you position a little, and the dash kicks in.

I use a controller on mobile (but this applies equally so to console), and there are times when you want to make small adjustments, but instead end up dashing forward. Usually you make small adjustments when near something dangerous, and having dash tied to movement that way often leads to accidentally dashing into the very thing you are attempting to avoid.

A separate button, or a toggle to disable dash temporarily, would help. It's the reason I avoid anything with dash ability.
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