Weapons & Equip eclipse armor (endgame throwing armor)

so, everyone wants more throwing stuff. my solution? eclipse armor. this is celestial tier, but I didn't go and make up a whole new tower. youll love it, I swear.

first, lets go over some minor changes. this stuff:
has a new tooltip "a catalyst for celestial powers" its also now used to make the luminite circlet, a vanity item, made with 5 luminte. its basically a gold crown. but lets get on to the good stuff, the throwing gear!

Eclipse shard: "enough power to block out the sun" this item is crafted with all four celestial fragments. the crafting recipe makes four. each armor piece is crafted the same way the other sets are, except with eclipse shards.
eclipse collar:16 defense 5% chance not consume ammo 5% throwing critical strike chance
eclipse cloak:24 defense 20% movement speed 5% chance not to consume ammo 10% throwing critical strike chance 25% throwing damage
eclipse boots:15 defense 5% chance not to consume ammo 5% throwing critical strike chance.
SET BONUS: you throw two projectiles instead of one.
(note that its supposed to make you look kinda like kirito from sword are online)
eclipse Knives: similar to the magic dagger. has a much higher velocity and range.
tooltip: "these aren't for sewing." they even have a special ability! when you kill a bunny, it drops "s class ingredient" tooltip "I...don't really have a story for this one. I threw a knife at it and it died.
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If someone could make some sprites, that'd be nice.

I'm on board with this idea, but remember, there are Weapons and Tools as well, you can't just leave it at Armor.

Also, i'd talk to a Mod Developer about getting something like this in as a real thing. I don't know if you have any experience with that, or Not, so.. Yeah, you have my Support.

If someone could make some sprites, that'd be nice.

I'm on board with this idea, but remember, there are Weapons and Tools as well, you can't just leave it at Armor.

Also, i'd talk to a Mod Developer about getting something like this in as a real thing. I don't know if you have any experience with that, or Not, so.. Yeah, you have my Support.

Weapons and tools are coming soon. I was tired and low on time when I created this thread, so I just added some basic ideas
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