tModLoader Error (18,50) CS1503: Argument 2: cannot convert from 'string' to 'Terraria.Localization.LocalizedText'


I am a beginner modmaker who is very interested in tModLoader. I got a code problem that I can't seem to solve. As I understand it, my problem concerns line 18. I followed the guides, which seem to be outdated, but I have not found new ones anywhere.

It seems as though a function is required to place the ore name into initialization. Might have something to do with localization. I found this in the tutorials, try replicating the format for your ore and see if it works:

ModTranslation name = CreateMapEntryName();
name.SetDefault("Tutorial Ore");
AddMapEntry(new Color(187, 78, 181), name);

Look here for the full syntax = FoolsLynx/tutorial-mod
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