Biomes & Nature Extra large world. Why don't we have larger or bigger mauntains?


I think we need to make the terrain creation more realistic to make it more discoverable. before the 1.5 we wanted to be discover more terrain like sand mauntains or snowy mauntais.
Or people may come up with a setting that can at least slightly determine whether the world is big or small, very mountainous or mountainless.
i just wanted some sorta thing that have a maountians in terraria
no flat terrain!.png
I’ve always played on Large worlds since I first bought the game, because I like having so many opportunities to find cool stuff on my way to a particular objective and I also like being able to crest a hill and even fly a bit without getting immediately assaulted by Wyverns. I would definitely upgrade to even larger worlds if possible.
Maybe there could be a seed/modifier that would alter the world height so large worlds would have the surface height of a medium or even small world. This would make the sky taller, allowing for grander terrain features.
The snow biome has always been lacking in unique features. I always thought a large mountain with a cave entrance would be a cool feature (no pun intended). My idea was that it would spawn randomly in worlds, like the pyramids. It would always have a chest near the mouth of the cave with climbing gear, a bonfire, and a winter coat vanity item. I made one as part of a world not long ago. I'd attach a screenshot but the world got deleted accidentally :(
Terraria could do with a caves and cliffs type of update where the world height is increased. Small worlds have basically no space between the ground and space itself.
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