Mobile Farming for Vamp Knives


Skeletron Prime
Hi, I am wondering if mobs spawned by statues can drop key molds. If anyone has a picture of a good key mold farm, please post below.
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I havent tried this farm, but I've seen a very efficient looking key mold farm where you place down a lot of metiorite blocks in the biome for the key mold you want, and then you make a box nearby that you fill with spiky ball traps to kill the metiorite heads. Then you can set up a little box in the middle of your trap for you to sit in. Also drink battle potion and place a water candle for more enemy spawns. I dont know if mobs drop key molds pre hardmode or if statue spawned mobs can drop key molds. Hope that helped!
I farmed for vamp knives too... I used water candle and battle potion... And kill all monster until they drop the key molds... It worked for me
My Crimson got Hallow generated on top of it :(
Use the clentaminator, you can buy it from the steampunker, and red solution from from(red solution is sold by the steampunker if he lives in the crimson, just make a house there and for him to move in it remove the torches from his previous house
ummm.... My main world is corruption... oh well

Also, I thought you couldn't make houses in hazard biomes.
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Oh, why do I read the title of this thread, it reminded me too much of the pain, I killed about 500 on every single crimson monsters and no key molds yet, what am I going to do with all these temple keys!? (I have 9), I don't even need to unlock Lihzards temple anymore, I just bash them with my Picksaw

Oh, also enemies spawned from statues don't drop it.
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