Linux Fix for periodic "Failed to open BO for returned DRI2 buffer" crash on Intel


Hey guys. I found a fix for a crash which happens periodically on Linux if you're using an Intel integrated graphics card.

You'll know if you're crashing because of this if your logs contain something like this:
Failed to open BO for returned DRI2 buffer (1600x900, dri2 back buffer, named 9).
This is likely a bug in the X Server that will lead to a crash soon.

Turns out it's a well known bug:,,

For me, the fix involved changing from the SNA driver (the default on ArchLinux) to the UXA driver, by adding this to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf:
Section "Device"
    Identifier "Intel Graphics"
    Driver "intel"
    Option "AccelMethod" "uxa"

For some people changing from UXA -> SNA works (put "sna" instead), but one or the other will be buggy on your chipset it seems.

Not sure how common this is, but since I managed to find a solution (for now), it seemed worthwhile to post it here.
I think I'll leave this here in this section, because I think this is where the devs will look first, and perhaps they can either add a patch at their end, or document it for end users.

I'll cross-link it to Tech Support though, so that anyone looking for a fix will see it there as well.
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