(free resources!) Stuff I made for a mod that I no longer have time to finish


Hey all, I was making a mod a few weeks ago but due to a promotion at work (and a substantial increase in work hours caused by said promotion, combined with a ton of new games that I desperately want to play), I can no longer finish it any time soon.

I'll be putting most of my resources and related ideas here, and they are free to use for any modder than wants to make use of them. Obviously you can use the sprite without my idea for it, or my idea without the sprite. Whatever. Enjoy!

NOTE: I am not asking anyone to finish my mod, just giving away my resources and ideas since I am no longer using them.

"Suckerpunch" was a spellbook made to look like a school journal. It was to fire this projectile: Suckerpunch.png (a ghostly white fist. Was to be shrunken down in the JSON to 32x32)

BagOBones.png "Bag o' Bones" was an item that was supposed to throw infinite throwing bones (the ones from the dungeon). It was to be crafted with 99 bones and a recipe scroll that was dropped from dungeon npcs

CatalyticCannon.png "Catalytic Cannon" was an endgame ranged weapon that fired unstoppable, huge, firey orbs. CatalyticCannon.png (this looks much better ingame, with the added particles) It had firey particles and slow moving sparks flying from it in all directions and drifting with it's velocity, much like the sparks that come off of metal when it strikes something.

FurnaceCannon.png "Hell's Furnace" was a hell-crafted magic item meant to be useful in early hardmode that fired infinite molten cannonballs. FurnaceCannon.png (again, it looks fantastic with appropriate scripting)

Amaranthe.png "Amaranthe" was an endgame trinket. 'An eternally-living golden rose from an eon long lost' It was to provide an additional 900% life regeneration, to allow the player's natural life regen to be valuable. It was also to have the effects of the philosopher's stone, and the mana flower: two trinkets that were a part of its crafting.

GloomIcon.png "Gloom Icon" Was a dungeon trinket. 'Fill yourself with a fear known only to the restless dead'. The sprite is almost finished, just needs to be darkened on the edges. It was to give 20% movement speed bonus and a 3% increase to all damage.

CartographerTreads.png "Cartographer's Treads" Combined the Frostspark Boots, the Lava Waders, and the GPS to be a powerful traveling tool. It had the effects of all 3 items, and an additional bonus to movement speed. It was an endgame trinket of course. 'May the world quake beneath your mighty footfalls.' I never got the sprite to look completely correct, but I tried. Feel free to fix it.

FourLeafClover.png "Four Leaf Clover" was to provide a small bonus to all critical strike chances. An early game trinket that had a chance to be found on a green slime.

HelmsmansHorn.png "Helmsman's Horn" was an ice biome trinket. Made with a viking helmet and some other materials, it provided a flat 5% bonus to all damage.

SouloftheStargazer.png "Soul of the Stargazer" '...and he looked to the midnight stars as a vast and romantic mystery...' was an ultimate endgame trinket. Combining souls of night, light, sight, a moon and sun charm, spooky wood, and ectoplasm. It was supposed to be OP, something you only receive once you've essentially beaten the game.

It was to give the player the following bonuses at night time:
-25% damage
-25% critical chance
-25% less mana usage
-Infinite flight using wings

And these bonuses during the day time:
-5% damage
-5% critical chance
-5% less mana usage
-infinite flight using wings

And THIS bonus ADDITIONALLY if the player was in a space 'biome':
-400% more life regeneration
-75% less mana usage

Manacles.png "Manacles" a simple item made with a chain and two shackles, it provides 2 defense instead of 1. Increasing early-game trinket defense to a potential value of 3 (manacles + shackle equipped).

Nebula Stone.png "Nebula Stone" increases maximum mana by 150% of your current armor, but cuts mana regen in half. Allows warriors and rangers to use a flurry of spells when in a tight spot.

WildRegeneration.png "Wild Regeneration" Provided a player with 25 life points once a minute. (if the system time % 3600 == 0)

MastersBarricade.png "Master's Barricade" was a flat upgrade to the obsidian shield, increasing it's defense value to 5. Crafted with the obsidian shield and some adamant / titanium bars.
Supremacy.png "Supremacy" was a trinket that would occasionally summon a storm of lightning bolts around the player. Zeus Slap.png The lightning bolts were summoned like so, but it may not function as well for others, I was using static numbers for my hugely high res screen while I was testing it. You may need to use the max screen size to find the player's center. This code can be used to do all sorts of things, at one point I had a "Puddin' Pop" trinket that would occasionally summon Bill Cosby's head flying across the screen to damage your foes. Fun times and insanity, it's what I do.
public static void Effects(Player player) {

float x = (float)(Main.screenPosition.X); //make sure to typecast to float, or errors will smack your :red:?
float y = (float)(Main.screenPosition.Y);
int damage = (int)(player.magicDamage * 500); //the projectile does (your magic damage bonus)*(500) It's OP for testing. Because :red:ing why not.
int j = 0; //initializin mah storm timer

if ((Main.rand.Next(1500)==0)) //once every 25s
while(j<300) //for 5s
if ((Main.rand.Next(4)==0)) //storm it up with 4x variation in striketime
x = player.position.X + Main.rand.Next(2000) - 1000; //find your center
y = player.position.Y + Main.rand.Next(200) - 100;
int projID = Projectile.NewProjectile(x, y, 0.1f /*speedX*/, 0.1f/*speedY*/, "Zeus Slap"/*proj ID*/, damage, 0/*knockback*/,Main.myPlayer); //, 255);
x = (float)(Main.screenPosition.X); //reset x so it doesn't get stupid, just in case
j++; //timer increases
j = 0; //reset timer to 0 at the end
(Also this code desperately needs to be updated, I was doing this a long time ago with TAPI)

WildRegeneration2.png "UNNAMED" I just wanted to make a sprite for the 'relic' in Destiny's Vault of Glass raid. Feel free to use it.

ObsidianThrowingScythe.png"Obsidian Thrownsythe" was to use the AI for the Possessed Hatchet. Craftable from obsidian and souls of might it was to add some decent boomerang-type melee damage to early hardmode

PearlwoodStynger.png "Pearlwood Stynger" was a slight upgrade to the Stynger that used...guess.. pearlwood. It caused it to fire slightly faster and consume less ammo. Obvious re-skin is obvious.

SpectrumStave.png "Spectrum Stave" was to be an endgame upgrade to the rainbow rod, using it and each gemstone staff, it was to spray (unguided) rainbow rod projectiles at a rapid velocity.

LucentStave.png "Torvus Lux" 'Even the light grows vicious...' was a high mana cost wand that was supposed to shoot a controllable orb of light that did no damage. On collision with a tile or enemy, lightning (see above lightning projectile in 'supremacy') was to strike the location.

Shadehail.png "Shadehail" 'A frozen soul of incalculable evil, it whispers to you from the crystalline core' A magic weapon. I hadn't decided what projectile to use.

StaffOfTheGlacier.png "Glacier's Rhythm" Was an upgrade to that terrible Staff of Earth from the temple boss. Using ice of course, and a few ectoplasm. It cut the mana cost, and increased the use rate drastically. Making the weapon finally not 'suck with stones' if you catch the meaning. Oh, and of course the boulder is icy now. StaffOfTheGlacier.png

CorruptStarfury.png "Twisted Starfury" Fireballs...not stars..mother:red:ing FIREBALLS. An upgrade to a weapon that I won't name. Bet u cnt gess it. Lel. Pleb.

OrnateRevolver.png "Ornate Revolver" 'Because a Russian despot should take pride in his piece.'

SafariRifle.png "Safari Rifle" I modified an existing sprite I found somewhere. There should be little to no similarity though.

MagitechShuriken.png "Magitech Shuriken" Made using...shurikens. Throws infinitely, ranged damage, ai type is...shurikens. Early game stuff just for fun.

ConjuredDynamite.png BloodScythe.png IonShell.png ParticleSphere.png PoisonSprites.png WillOfCthulu.png Wintersong.png - Various Spellbooks

GlassBattleaxe.png "Glass Battleaxe" - no knockback, VERY high critical chance

Soulsteel.png "Soulsteel" - Because EVERY mod has a BIGASS SWORD in it. Also I did good. It looks sick. Agreed?

DeathsHand.png "Death's Hand" 'Complete with heartseeking laser sight!'

GreyOriginSphere.png "Origin Sphere" - a throwable item that drops item(s) when it dies. ALL SORTS of potential here, this was the base idea for my mod, and there was to be a sphere for each tier of gameplay, rarely dropped by that tier's enemies, that had various drops to craft many of the things in my mod. Such as a :red: ton of 'recipe scrolls' that are used in the crafting process for many items. Here are some of the scrolls: RecipeClawOfTheGrave.png RecipeEnchantedMidasSphere.png RecipeTitaniumCharm.png RecipeWintersong.png RecipeShadehail.png RecipeSouloftheStargazer.png RecipeNebulaStone.png RecipeSuckerpunch.png RecipePoisonSprites.png and of course I had dozens more. Not of much use unless you plan on using my idea though. (feel free to do so)

ImbuedRose.png - the original rose sprite I made if anyone wants to use it. I'm SUPER :red:ING PROUD OF IT.

ClawOfTheGrave.png "Claw of the Grave" - as your HP goes down, your magic damage goes up.

An armor tier I made: (The animation files are hard to see in thumbnail, but they're just to the left)

Arm ANIM.png Chest ANIM.png Head ANIM.png Legs ANIM.png Phantom Hunter's Chestplate.png Phantom Hunter's Greaves.png Phantom Hunter's Helm.png
Arm ANIM.png Chest ANIM.png Head ANIM.png Legs ANIM.png Runewraith's Armor.png Runewraith's Sight.png Runewraith's Treads.png
Arm ANIM.png Chest ANIM.png Head ANIM.png Legs ANIM.png Shadebane Chainmail.png Shadebane Greaves.png Shadebane Helmet.png

Some enemies:
Enslaved Ghoul.png Enthralled Psion.png Undead Ranger.pngDesecratedSoul.png

The Battle Rifle from Halo 2 (Because :red: yeah Master Chief Collection)
Battle Rifle.png

These items (?) forgot why I made them: Tempest's Reign.png Nebula Draft.png Hand of the Storm.png Ashen Bone.png Arc Talisman.pngDraught of the Everliving.png Enchanted Golden Sphere.png Glory.png Malfezzar's Regenerating Charm.png Malfezzar's Tome of Swarming Lights.pngMalfezzar's Blood Ring.png Waking Flame.png Searing Arrow.png

Runic prize tickets!: A Blue Runic Prize Ticket.png A Burgundy Runic Prize Ticket.png A Cyan Runic Prize Ticket.png A Green Runic Prize Ticket.png A Purple Runic Prize Ticket.png A Red Runic Prize Ticket.png A Yellow Runic Prize Ticket.png (were to be taken to an anvil where they were the only crafting material for some cool items)

Puddin Pop.png - The "Puddin' Pop" I previously mentioned...and bill cosby's face as the projectile. Because I laughed too hard at this :red:. Cosby.png

Geode.png - a big spherical stone, meant to be used as a projectile for this spellbook. Dropped from goblin invasion because they have no magic drops. Geode.png

Small Magical Trinket.png "Small magical trinket" - provided shine and 1 defense to the player

Malfezzar's Unburstable Bubble.png "Enigmatic Bubble" - 'Must have been...blown... by the...hrrghh... gods? I can't pop this!' Grants underwater breathing. Dropped by skeletons.

Kill Flask.png "Kill flask" - I used this during testing as an item that instantly killed my character for various reasons. If you don't have an item like this modders, you should make yourself one. It's very helpful.

Soul Iron.png Soul Iron.png Wailing Ingot.png "Soul Iron" - A new ore I added. Supposed to be a store of the paralyzed souls of the enthralled dead. Intentionally had descriptions that were creepy as all hell. Y'know.

Crystallized Light.png "Crystallized Light" - I had all sorts of ideas for this, but ultimately couldn't decide on one.

Conservationist.png Malfezzar's Regeneration.png - some buff icons, the first gave infinite ammo for the duration, and the second was an icon that was used when the player's max life was slowly increasing above 500.

Aaand I think that's it. Use as you please modders, no credit necessary. (Although appreciated)

v --- Ignore this stuff down here, I have no idea why it's there.


  • A White Runic Prize Ticket.png
    A White Runic Prize Ticket.png
    737 bytes · Views: 340
  • Claw of the Grave.png
    Claw of the Grave.png
    371 bytes · Views: 332
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Thanks for sharing, especially all the sprites. None of them could be used directly in anything I'm working on, but a few could be pretty easily modified to better suit my needs.
This looks like a pretty decent modder's resource. Very nice.
Such a shame that it isn't going to be finished, if it was, I'd probably put it in along the other mods in tAPI.
This looks like a pretty decent modder's resource. Very nice.
Such a shame that it isn't going to be finished, if it was, I'd probably put it in along the other mods in tAPI.

Thank you! I was working pretty hard on it honestly, it was almost done and then tAPI updated and I lost all my code and I just don't have the time to deal with it currently :l
Thanks man! I'm going to credit you anyways, because you deserve it. :)
EDIT: Just wanted to also let you know that I'm using the Helmsman's Horn sprite :D
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