Good morning, afternoon and evening!


Hello there!

I am GlitchCo, just like it's shown in my Steam profile.

Playing Terraria for about 1000 hours now (counting Console and Mobile to it), I think I can call myself an experienced player.
You can also call me DiZ or Odin, whatever you prefer. I am German, but able to express myself in English.

I RP in UmbraRP, it's quite fun to do that! Also I work as Moderator in Panther's Terraria Server! Feel free to come by, if you feel like it :p

I am also always ready to play with people on the PS3 or on the PC.
Just add me on Steam or in PSN. In PSN, my name is SinistraSora. In both cases, I like to use my headset to chat with you!

Alright, that would be it for now. If there are more questions, feel free to ask!

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