Google yourself!

Due to a username change

So first of all there's some of my art, which is slightly creepy because I created that art thread only a few days ago. Then there's some really cursed orc content. And there's also for some reason this image in the corner that reminds me of the 'you like kissing boys don't you' meme for some reason.
Then apparently Brambol and Fikitt randomly show up near the bottom, then some image of people in a supermarket with masks on. After that it's just more orc stuff.

Honestly this might be the most uncanny portfolio I've ever laid eyes upon.
I searched up my username and got a bunch of users other than me. Like Fluxx’s profile and This Is Pumpkin’s profile and Banana’s profile. I have no idea why. The only thing related to me that showed up was my ama near the bottom of the results.
I'm super happy things actually came up.
Screenshot (76).png

Screenshot (77).png

6 (7?) of these are mine;
2nd picture 1st row is a fanart someone made of Axios, 1st picture 2nd row is my profile post of Positivity Mouse, and 2nd picture 2nd row is also a picture of a coke I uploaded to TCF.
2 of them are reactions I've given (not sure why it's showing those).
1 is a quote of mine.
Last row 8th picture may also be mine, but idk I didn't scroll down.

This one suprised me, as almost all of them are related to me in some way.
Screenshot (78).png

1st picture is a request @A_Mazarians_Boat completed for me (Looks great!), 2nd picture is a request @This is Pumpkin completed for me (Also looks great!)
The 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th,11th, and 13th are pencil drawings I've done (the map is my for my book)
Shoutout to @Cat God. and @Sir Snakebot for also making the cut :D
The sprites are suggestions I tried to make sprites for (those aren't the sprites I made), and the rest are either things I've commented on on TCF, unrelated, or have already been explained in the Bing search.
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