Ground pet sprite in ground


public class HydraPet : ModProjectile
public override void SetStaticDefaults() {

Main.projFrames[Projectile.type] = 17;
Main.projPet[Projectile.type] = true;

public override void SetDefaults() {
Projectile.CloneDefaults(ProjectileID.FennecFox); // Copy the stats of the Fennec Fox

AIType = ProjectileID.FennecFox; // Copy the AI of the Fennec Fox

public override bool PreAI() {
Player player = Main.player[Projectile.owner];

return true;

public override void AI() {
Player player = Main.player[Projectile.owner];

// Keep the projectile from disappearing as long as the player isn't dead and has the pet buff.
if (!player.dead && player.HasBuff(ModContent.BuffType<HydraPetBuff>())) {
Projectile.timeLeft = 2;
(Yes, I can't code (I understand most of the code provided but, that's it. custom stuff is a bit too much for me :confused:), and am just using the fennec fox AI.)
I wanted to ask how I adjust the sprite y, or make the sprite align with the ground. The code works otherwise
I would say, make sure you align your sprite sheet with the sprite sheet of the fennec fox. It should all work fine with that.
I would say, make sure you align your sprite sheet with the sprite sheet of the fennec fox. It should all work fine with that.
I have, but, for some reason, it still wants to go into the ground (And more the longer the image is). I tried making the sprite sheet longer (And wider), with not much luck. I'm probably doing something wrong, aren't I? Do you know if there's some sort of override?

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I would say, make sure you align your sprite sheet with the sprite sheet of the fennec fox. It should all work fine with that.
Nvm, I fixed it. I feel dumb now. (Just had to add width and height) Thank you for helping :)
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