Working as Designed Has the rain gone completely crazy yet?


Your Terraria Device
A72 galaxy
Mobile OS
A strange situation.
The rain is continuing. I am walking through the desert. Suddenly the rain stops. However, the sound of rain continues to play. I am dying. After being reborn, I am on the weld and see the rain animation. All in all, the rain ends after 29 minutes instead of 24.
Is it eve possible for it to stop raining so suddenly? And no the rain did not reset because it would take more than 29 minutes. So another 24. something is wrong here
I reproduced the error with the animation. The problem was probably the nearby winter biome which made the rain turn into snow but due to the quality of the video and the night it was not visible.
There is a strange border location that still plays the sound of falling rain despite the invisible border between biomes???. This problem solved. There is still a problem with the duration of this weather.
OK "resolved" because its propably an new mechanic,because its same on pc even on 1.3.X version as i checked on YouTube video's. Just Wiki may be wrong,already reported it but there is no place to talk about this.

In order not to start a new topic I will report one more (probably) error.
Unfortunately I do not have the material and also its reproduction is probably impossible by you.
This is a cosmetic error.
If let's say at second 1, the game draws the start of the rain, then at seconds 2,3 there will be the start of the rain by animating the rain and changing the music.
Here everything is ok.
But if in second 1, the Game draws rain and at the same moment we click pause/menu. This during second 2,3 even though the game is paused,the music will change to rain and we will hear the noise of rain but without the rain animation, after exiting the menu and resuming the game we will immediately see the rain animation.
Purely cosmetic bug, does not need to be fixed but it is worth mentioning here if someone by chance ever discovered it
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