PS4 Heart Breaking... Help


If you are reading, then thxs , me and my friend built a Master House , A Master Town , A Master Town Hall and a bunker, we built all of that which took days or a week. We built this so we could make a video of " TERRARIA TSUNAMI DESTROYES EVERYTHING". so we built a high water holder to keep the water in, We finally finished everything. So we had to test, so we deactivated the holder with the item u can get from the mecanic, but before doing that i saved the game. So we tested it and everything went to plan!. So left and rejoined, and everything was the same ( Just to check ) so the idot me uploaded it, and downloaded it because i had already saved the game. But when i rejoined... It was still the same. So the , Master House , The Master Town , The Master Hall even the bunker was destroyed and was floaded. Anyway i can go check all the saved data in terraria so i can reset the world and to the saved game i had saved.

Seeing as the buildings themselves are probably mostly intact, you could probably just drain all the water to the underworld, close the barrier, and then fill it back up. Might take a while though.
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