Hej killar vad som händer!


Skeletron Prime
Hehe... sorry but only writing "hey guys whats going on" in English is just boring so I wrote it in Swedish. Just in case you were wondering, yes I am Swedish and fluent in the language but I live in the U.S. So allow me to introduce myself, I am Jdekko (AKA, dekko the gekko). Some things that I love to do is.. well... of course.... playing Terraria, but not only that, I like to.....

- Play good tunes on my guitar
- Read books that attract my attention but that rarely happens
- Browse on steam

I could go on forever but I want to keep this short.

So thats just about all I am going to tell you all at this time so...

Ser du alla senare på forum! (see you all later on the forums!)
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