Hello There! (Beeps and boops follow)


Hey everybody :)

I started playing Terraria on the Xbox 360, before 1.2 was out on it. Since then, I've played through the game 4 more times all on the 360. Now, I'm starting a 1.3 normal mode play through on the Xbox one version! I really love the game, especially the progression system and the many customization options available.

I play a variety of different games other than Terraria, such as Minecraft, World of Tanks/Warships/Planes, Space Engineers, Halo (1-5 and Wars) and quite a few more. I am mainly a console player, but I have a couple of PC games I play on occasion.

As you may be able to tell by the title, I'm also an avid Star Wars fan, from 1 to 8 and everything in between!

In general, I try my best to be kind and helpful (though not always succeeding) and I hope you'll find me to be so! :gslime:
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