Hello there


just new to the forums been playing for a while. Love the nastalgia factor on the visuals of this game, and the adventure and world building aspects. Overall pretty cool. Can't wait to interact and get to know the rest of the community.
What does one have to do to get the ability to post in other places? I mainly joined the forum to report a bug in the Super Terraria World mod. But it feels like I've been waiting forever. Is there somebody I need to talk to specifically or is it just a matter of waiting for the mods to find me?

Incidentally I like the mod as far as I have explored it, but the not being able to mine stuff or put stuff down thing and the limited number of things you can craft kinda bums me out. Getting used to the more structured game experience is kind of jarring. Not to say it is bad, just takes some getting used to is all.

I mostly enjoy strategy computer (I think I own pretty much every Civilization game every created not to mention a host of other empire building games) and board games, and the occasional card game here and there. I work as a software developer by day and the opportunity to plug into a community that looks as vibrant as this one and contribute in some small way has me excited. Which probably explains my lack of patience.

My current board game addiction is the recently released "Mansions of Madness" 2nd edition. Very well done, FFG continues its long tradition of quality components, though I will say the bases for the monsters do leave a little something to be desired. And kudos for including an update pack for the existing 1st edition of the game. About the only thing that is lacking at this point is a scenario designer or just plain more available scenarios from the app.

Anyway, I hope to see everybody around, and I can't wait to get out of the probation box or whatever you call this around here!
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