Help with modded Yoyo


Skeletron Prime
I need help with a yoyo shooting projectiles when an enemy is close, the yoyo just stays there in midair when i let go of it. It also shoots way too many projectiles and i would like to know how to make it shoot slower.
The code:
using Terraria;
using Terraria.ID;
using Terraria.ModLoader;

namespace EgamingsCryptolicMod.Projectiles
    public class CryptolicYoyoProjectile : ModProjectile
        public override void SetStaticDefaults()
            ProjectileID.Sets.YoyosLifeTimeMultiplier[projectile.type] = -1f;
            ProjectileID.Sets.YoyosMaximumRange[projectile.type] = 500f;
            ProjectileID.Sets.YoyosTopSpeed[projectile.type] = 20f;

        public override void SetDefaults()
            projectile.extraUpdates = 0;
            projectile.width = 16;
            projectile.height = 16;
            projectile.aiStyle = 99;
            projectile.friendly = true;
            projectile.penetrate = -1;
            projectile.melee = true;

        public override void PostAI()
            if (Main.rand.NextBool())
                Dust dust = Dust.NewDustDirect(projectile.position, projectile.width, projectile.height, 61);
                dust.noGravity = true;
                dust.scale = 1.6f;
        public override void OnHitNPC(NPC target, int damage, float knockback, bool crit)
            Player p = Main.player[projectile.owner];
            int healingAmount = damage / 1000;
            p.statLife += healingAmount;
            p.HealEffect(healingAmount, true);
        public override void AI()
            for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
                NPC target = Main.npc[i];
                float shootToX = target.position.X + (float)target.width * 0.5f - projectile.Center.X;
                float shootToY = target.position.Y - projectile.Center.Y;
                float distance = (float)System.Math.Sqrt((double)(shootToX * shootToX + shootToY * shootToY));
                if (distance < 100f && !target.friendly &&
                    if ([0] > 10f)
                        distance = 3f / distance;
                        shootToX *= distance * 5;
                        shootToY *= distance * 5;
                        int proj = Projectile.NewProjectile(projectile.Center.X, projectile.Center.Y, shootToX, shootToY, mod.ProjectileType("CryptolicBlast"), projectile.damage, projectile.knockBack,  Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); //mod.ProjectileType("Laser") is the projectile it shoots, change it to what you like
                        Main.projectile[proj].timeLeft = 300;
                        Main.projectile[proj].netUpdate = true;
                        projectile.netUpdate = true;
                        Main.PlaySound(1, (int)projectile.position.X, (int)projectile.position.Y, 12);
              [0] = -1f;

      [0] += 1f;


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