Weapons & Equip Historical weapons



Fire lance (gun not really a lance) = The first gun created in history by chinese.

Handcannon = First cannon that was invented in Middle East used against Mongols.

Arquebuses = A gun like handcannon but Musket like.

Pole gun = A gun brought by islamic nations from west asia.

Rifle Repeater = A gun that repeatedly fires used in early modern age.

Springfield Rifle = Springfield Rifles were among the first breech-loading rifles.

Mondragon Rifle = World's first succesful self-reloading rifle.

Machine guns:

Maxim Guns = The world's first self-loading firearm is the Maxim gun.

Gatling Gun = The first successful rapid-fire firearm is the Gatling gun.


Claymore Sword = It was a unique weapon found solely among the clansmen of the Scottish Highlands.

Sabre = A common cavalry sword USed by Hussars.

Falcata = A sword used by General Hannibal during Punic wars.

Rapier = A sword that was popular in Western Europe.

Falchion = Used by Europe during 1200s.

Bolo = A machete-like Originated in Philippines.
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