I think a hunger meter would be a great addition to terraria.
Unlike the "hunger" mechanic currently in the constant seed (which for context I have not played), I am suggesting a meter, similar to the health or mana bars, so you can visually see how full or low it is, and how close you are to the maximum, in turn allowing you to determine if it is worth eating a high hunger food yet. Similar to the appleskin mod (if any of you are familiar with it), the bar would show a preview of how much foods you are currently holding would restore.
The current "major", "medium", and "minor buffs to stats" could be reworked to be a result of this bar, based on how full you are. If you constantly eat to keep your bar full, you will always keep these buffs, a change I think many players would welcome, even if you (tragically) need to eat once in a while now.
It would provide use to the foods we currently get in literally every corner of the game, incentivizing players to actually use them (rather than throwing every food item you get in a chest and never using any of them), rewards players for crafting/seeking out more difficult foods, and opens up the door to the possibility of new, multi-step cooking recipes.
It would also open up the door to new potions, such as:
-"Iron Stomach": A potion that decreases the rate hunger decreases.
-"Satiation": A potion that completely stops the hunger decreasing for a while?
-"Sprinting": You now have the ability to sprint similar to the Hermes boots even if you are not wearing them, plus are +10% faster, but drains hunger faster.
So TLDR: food buffs could be more easily retained, possibility for new food items/potions, and incentivizes players to actually use food.
Unlike the "hunger" mechanic currently in the constant seed (which for context I have not played), I am suggesting a meter, similar to the health or mana bars, so you can visually see how full or low it is, and how close you are to the maximum, in turn allowing you to determine if it is worth eating a high hunger food yet. Similar to the appleskin mod (if any of you are familiar with it), the bar would show a preview of how much foods you are currently holding would restore.
The current "major", "medium", and "minor buffs to stats" could be reworked to be a result of this bar, based on how full you are. If you constantly eat to keep your bar full, you will always keep these buffs, a change I think many players would welcome, even if you (tragically) need to eat once in a while now.
It would provide use to the foods we currently get in literally every corner of the game, incentivizing players to actually use them (rather than throwing every food item you get in a chest and never using any of them), rewards players for crafting/seeking out more difficult foods, and opens up the door to the possibility of new, multi-step cooking recipes.
It would also open up the door to new potions, such as:
-"Iron Stomach": A potion that decreases the rate hunger decreases.
-"Satiation": A potion that completely stops the hunger decreasing for a while?
-"Sprinting": You now have the ability to sprint similar to the Hermes boots even if you are not wearing them, plus are +10% faster, but drains hunger faster.
So TLDR: food buffs could be more easily retained, possibility for new food items/potions, and incentivizes players to actually use food.