I'm refusing to play 1.4 until I bring the vision I had for my Xbox world to light.


My friend and I have been playing on this world for a good hundred hours and along the way, we have talked so long about all the projects and all the builds we want to do. We did a good majority of them, like resupply towers based off cool designs or inside jokes, we've made our characters über OP, but there are still a couple things we have to do.
  • Build a scientifically accurate spaceship (using Kerbal Space Program :] )to "launch" into our Expert world (this was supposed to be done a long time ago, hence why it was an Expert world and not 1.4
  • I still need to beat Moon Lord myself with my glass cannon mage build. My friend was able to do it because he has double my defense and a solar eruption.
  • We need to build a massive shrine to Ye Whole Milk, our favorite dye trader who we got 2 times in a row on both of our favorite worlds, who then got slaughtered by the Destroyer. I clutched out the kill while my friend was dead and we've locked away his remains to fuel our spaceship.
Maybe not playing 1.4 is a bit extreme for you guys, but I need to finish this. I feel like I won't have earned the right to play until I keep my promises. Maybe I'm not the only one doing something like this? Tell me your plans if you're doing something similar to me.
I don't have a computer, so I'll have to wait a couple years whether I like it or not.
The console version's my favorite, though. I just got an ankh shield after getting a megaphone randomly today. I also fought the Pumpkin Moon, though I must've beaten it before as I never got an achievement.
On building, I've been looking for my "perfect world" to start a town in.
The basic requirements:
-Normal moon
-Glacier and forest background
-Blue dungeon, on the right (with a water bolt)
-Neat world-gen
-Round trees
-Corruption on the dungeon side
I'm a bit OCD-ish with this stuff.
I did find one, but the land was terrible. Couldn't walk around. Anyways, hope you have fun with that project.
The only thing I want to do is a 1.4 journey mode playthrough with some friends, and maybe build an adventure map or something from scratch in said world.
Sadly the friends I have had all been too busy with other things(most unrelated to Terraria)
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