PC In Search of Modding Team Candidates

Ahoy, Krohitsu here! As of recent times, I have begun planning for a mod currently titled The Synergy Mod. As to reserve space here and cut to the basic idea of what the mod itself is about, provided below is a link to the Official Synergy Mod Complete Planning Document. If you're genuinely curious on mod progress and plans, that document will likely be updated through time and may eventually even include a discord link. Do note that information you read on the document is apt to change, as it's still in a young stage.

Getting to the point as the title of this thread states, progress would need a team. A team that's willing to collaborate with one another and work on single tasks as a group when possible. A type of person that's especially hard to come by is a programmer who's apt to the job, so if you have experience and believe you are up to the large task then we'd love to have you! Calling persistent spriters and musicians who are ready for some hopefully enjoyable works, finished pieces, collaborations and times. If you're interested in helping me get this mod on it's feet, please give me a shout through PM! If at all possible I'd love to see what kind of works you've done. If anything, thanks for taking the time to even read this!

Current Spriters : [1] Current Programmers : [0] Current Musicians : [0]

Once we have enough basic content created, if such a point is reached, a thread of the mod will be posted in the WIP Mods section of the forums.
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It's a temping idea, but I just don't know. I'm not super experienced with Terraria modding, I just have past coding experience and those were some things I made, keep in mind I'm 90% sure non of it will work online.
I'm a small spriter, but it doesn't hurt to help someone sprite. :)
I can also kinda compose, I'm still practicing, you know.
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