Is this considered cheating?

Bear -____________-

Official Terrarian
I just beat every boss in a regular world (non expert). And I was wondering if it would be considered cheating if I used the character that I played as through the regular world to start out in a brand new expert world with it. And please don't say it depends on what I think is cheating, because I can't think for myself.
But it IS entirely up to you what you consider cheating. Terraria is not competitive by nature, so naturally there isn't really any cheating that can be done.

If you think it will be fun to use a completed character on a new Expert Mode world, great do that. If you think it will be more fun to start a new character for your new Expert Mode world, do that instead.
My answer is, "It's entirely if you think it is cheating or not.", your inability to think for yourself not directly affecting my answer. Expert stuff is naturally harder than their normal counterparts, so you could see it as the Nightmare or Hell difficulty to your first pass's normal one, to use classic Diablo difficulty labels.
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