Music Pack Issue with custom song loop! (SOLVED-REAPER ISSUE)


Official Terrarian
Hey!, so, I uploaded to Steam Workshop a custom song, and it seems to work perfectly fine, but once the song reaches the end it stops for like 1 second before looping. I tried with another one and the issue repeated. Its like a one minute song, sure I can just replace the track with one with the song looped enough times to make it almost unnoticeable, but that's not something I want to do and also it would artificially increase the filesize, so that's not an option.

I first tried with a wav. file, but it was just noise once it started playing ingame, then I replaced it with a mp3. and it did sound good, but the main issue was there and finally I tried with an ogg. file that I heard it's better and again, sounds fine but again before the song repeats it stops for a second.

What can it be???

Solved: I used Reaper to export the track; the program adds 1 second of silence at the end of the track by default, so if you are a Reaper user you just need to choose the "Bounds" menu (in the "Render to File" screen) and choose the option "Custom time range" (it may be in "Entire project" by default).


Then you're gonna go to the end of your track to get the time it stops (you can click "go to the end of project") and insert that number into "End", so Reaper won't add any extra length into it.


Now you can render it and you'll get a flawless loop.

Hope this helps someone else!!!
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