Items Larger Chests/Better Storage System


I'm not sure if its already planned for 1.4.5 or not, I'll admit i haven't been keeping up with the latest, but It really feels like the storage system hasn't been shown the love it (imho) desperately needs. Something like a central storage system similar to the Magic Storage mod, that could be hardmode/post-plantera, made with chlorophyte and having plantera soft lock it with having a sort of "heart" item she could drop to craft the central system for it. I don't need everything Magic Storage adds, just a way to easily sort through items without having to have hundreds of chests (in long term worlds) to store everything. Or honestly even just bigger chests would be fine, but (imho) the storage system needs more love shown to it
Some way to search through chests within an area would be a nice addition, even if all it does is highlight all the chests with said item inside. It wouldn't take many resources either since it's basically what quickstack does but a little different.
Some way to search through chests within an area would be a nice addition, even if all it does is highlight all the chests with said item inside. It wouldn't take many resources either since it's basically what quickstack does but a little different.
Exactly, I dont want to stray too far from vanilla at all. Just some way to make sorting through the chests and finding exactly what you need a little easier
The way to find exactly what you need is just to sort better and give the chests better names and categories. I quite enjoy building different areas where different kinds of storage are present. For example, we have an equipment area where we also have storage for all kinds of equipment, like weapons, accessories, armor, tools, etc...
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