Looking For Some Builders!

Hey! are you an awesome builder? have you made gigantic builds in Terraria(PC version)? That's great! Umm.... Would you be kind enough to come help me build up my new hub world?

I'm making a hub world for my friends and i to play on, If you can help me out that would be awesome!

I do have a discord so if you're willing to get it, or tell me what your discord name+number tag is, then i'll add you and we can talk, making it easy-er to communicate.

Thank you.

- Jackson
What kind of buildings do you want? Stuff we harvest from the world or should I collect supplies beforehand? I love to build so lemme know.
Collect the materials beforehand please, that'd be awesome. Use Builder's Workshop or Terrasavr to get the materials.

If you can help me set up buildings for NPC'S, AFK farms, boss arenas, pvp arenas, ect. then you are more than welcome to help! |

Hell maybe even a castle.
Yeah I love building NPC apartments. I also just learned how to do some basic wiring and farming. Building is what I love. Add me on steam: spinscythe
I really like building but im not so good at afk farm building or arena. efficiency isnt my thing, but making things bootyful is.
I have my own thread of my older stuff if you wanna take a look
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