Xbox 360 Looking for someone to start a new character with...


As stated in the title, I am looking for someone to start anew with. I am somewhat young but not a bratty kid. I would prefer if you had at least beaten WoF but that's not needed.

The catch is that I can't find my microphone. I may be getting one soon though.

Other information. 1: I have around 800 hours between computer, console and iOS. 2: I like the jungle weapons. 3: I prefer corruption worlds. 4: I HATE plantera. That Boss is way to hard. 5: I have some trouble spelling. 6: I like jokes.

My Xbox 360 GT is JadenDay. I share that with my father. It may look like I am on but it is him. If you want to play, reply with your GT. I will not friend you without that.
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