Console Major Freezing Bug/Glitch on Terraria PS4(V. 1.3.5)


Every once in a while when I’m doing more demanding tasks(such as grinding through bossfights/events), my character freezes in midair while surrounding projectiles continue to be active. Meanwhile, when I try to use ANYTHING in my inventory, I can’t, even in build mode(like with the magic mirror/potions). There isn’t much more explanation I can give for this seemingly sporadic freeze, other than that it usually crashes the game, but sometimes it doesn’t(in which case I have to restart the game). Here’s a screenshot showing what I’m talking about:

(P.S: If anyone has encountered the same or even a similar bug on ANY console platform, please let me know inside of this thread. I’d highly recommend specifying the platform and version number too, as it could help the devs more easily diagnose the issue.)
I have encountered this bug in the underground jungle before on my PS4 it has stopped and I haven’t been playing on PS4 for a while (been playing hollow knight instead of terraria)
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