Game Mechanics Make Coins Produce Light When Dropped Again


A change in Journey's End that I disliked was coins no longer emitting light when dropped. I thought this feature was pretty cool in 1.3 because I liked how weapons that killed things behind walls (such as summons) revealed caves and showed off Terraria's neat lighting system. An official reason for this change was never given, but I can think of two reasons this could've been done: realism and exploit prevention.

I really doubt this change to coins was done for realism, but I'll address it just in case. Obviously, coins emitting light is unrealistic because coins aren't light sources. Again, I don't think this was the reason this change was made, but if it was, I don't think it's a good reason because Terraria is a pretty gamey video game. Almost nothing about the game is realistic, so it doesn't fit thematically. Also, it's a consensus among gamers that realism for the sake of realism is bad unless it's a simulation, which Terraria, being inspired by Minecraft and old school classics such as Castlevania, very much isn't.

The other (and more likely) reason is that it was changed to prevent an exploit where players would forego torches and glowsticks entirely in favor of dropping and picking up coins over and over. I understand this but don't like it because I'm against punishing every player for something only a small percentage of players do. Also, if possible, I would suggest making a change that only coins dropped by enemies emit light. Then, we would have the best of both worlds.
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