NPCs & Enemies Mech Brain of Cthulhu

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The mechanical bosses currently do not have a crimson variant. I think that instead of being able to craft a mechanical worm with vertebrae, you should be able to craft a mechanical spine. This would summon a hardmodified Brain. I recommend keeping with the starting word the and naming the boss, the Mind.

The Mind would have a similar attack pattern to the original brain. A main difference is that the creepers would now be similar to probes. I dub them, Neurons. Instead of firing lasers, they would fire a short ranged but powerful psychic attack. After all of the creepers are defeated, the Mind wold split open, releasing 10-15 Neurons. While the Mind's is being damaged, it will churn out more neurons. The Mind would use some short range psychic attacks after all of the original Neurons are defeated.

The health and defense would also be upped to the standards of a Mechanical boss.

Thanks for reading,
I think that would be fun and all, but how should it even work?
At least for me, the BoC ends up being a pretty boring fight after a bit.
This is exactly why I was ardently against the commissioning of a lore in the first place. At no point should "lore" ever be used to justify the exclusion of a gameplay element, in anything, ever.
I think it's the other way around, and that line was created as a way of saying "there isn't going to be a Mechanical Brain"
Want mechanical Brain of Cthulhu? Fight Ocram. Yes, he is a mech boss and what other boss in Terraria looks remotely similar to him then BoC.
The Destroyer was actually made with both BoC and EoW in mind. The boss itself is based of the EoW and the probes are based on creepers summoned by BoC.
But the Destroyer came before BoC, so it's sort of the other way around. Point standing, no mech brain for now.
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