NPCs & Enemies Mimic Fixing - more drops!


The Destroyer
I want more mimics.
Now onto the suggestions!
Fixing existing mimic lootpools

Now, we have three mimics. Biome mimics. Unlike other mimics, they have five specific drops: Melee, ranged and magic weapons, an accessory, and a hook.
There are two things wrong with this system:
:red:ting on summoners
One of them don't have an accessory.
Lets fix both of those problems:
I'll deal with the accessory problem.
Crystal Crown
When taking fall damage, crystal shards fly. Their damage is triple of the fall damage. They behave like bullets, and bounce off walls twice before cracking. The amount of shards is random from 6-20.

Now, the summon staves.
Corrupter Staff
Damage: 35
Knockback: 1.5
Mana: 10
Use time: 30
Velocity: 8
Buff: Corruptor
The corruptor will fight for you
Dropped by Corrupt Mimics with a 16.67% chance.
Normally tries to keep a fair distance from the opponent, shooting balls of Vile Spit. Sometimes, it charges instead like a Spazmini.

Ichor Sticker Staff
Damage: 28
Knockback: 0.5
Mana: 12
Use time: 25
Buff: Ichorstick
The ichor squid will fight for you
Dropped by Crimson Mimics with a 16.67% chance.
Fires at the same speed of the Golden Shower.

Pixie Staff
Damage: 25
Knockback: 1
Mana: 6
Use time: 13
Buff: Pixie
The pixie will fight for you
Dropped by Hallowed Mimics with a 16.67% chance.
Counts as half a minion, not a whole one.
Acts similarly to Spider summons, except that they fly. Pixies move in swarms.

Now, more mimics!
I'm sure you haven't forgotten
this dude, the Jungle Mimic! We'll be giving him loot now!
Here's the loot:
Gaia's Pike - 16.67%
Nature's Wrath - 16.67%
Flora Staff - 16.67%
Koopa Staff - 16.67%
Vine Whip - 16.67%
Life Root - 16.67%

Drop information:
Gaia's Pike
Damage: 37
Knockback: 5.8
Crit. chance: 4%
Use time: 26
Velocity: 4
Heals the player by 10% of the damage dealt.

Nature's Wrath
Damage: 26
Knockback: 2.5
Crit chance: 4%
Use time: 21
Velocity: 11
Fires 2 brambles that deal 1/3 of the damage of the shot, and inflict Venom for 3 seconds.

Flora Staff
Damage: 33
Knockback: 3
Crit chance: 4%
Mana: 10
Use time: 30
Velocity: 45
Behaves similarly to the vilethorn, shooting a long vine with a flower bud at the end. Once the flower has reached its full end, it opens and explodes for 50 damage.

Koopa Staff
Damage: 60
Knockback: 6
Crit chance: 4%
Mana: 24
Use time: 34
Velocity: 10
Attacks similarly to the Giant Tortoise. It is pretty slow.

Vine Whip
Reach: 30 tiles
3 hooks

Big Root
-400 aggro
Standing in one spot increases life regen to 10health/sec. Stacks with other regen buffs.

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:red:ting on summoners
…Except summoner is the class where you use more than one damage type anyway. Not really necessary.
Crystal Crown
Inflicts the Crystine buff when in combat
Reduces aggro by 10% for every hit, but increases aggro by 5% for every damage take.
This doesn't do very much... Using items causes enemies to aggro onto you anyway.
Jungle Mimic
Cenx said this guy was cut because the jungle already has too much content, but maybe the other biomes will rival it anyway once 1.4 hits, so he might come back.
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