Mods that add custom classes


Empress of Light
I tend to do a lot of modded class playhroughs and I especially look forward to playing as a non-standard class. There are a few mods I know that add custom classes, but I wonder if there are any more. By custom class, I don't just mean a custom damage type. For example, Thorium has True damage type, but it isn't meant to be a class, especially since the few True damage weapons could fit into other classes. I think it’s likely meant to be used with any other class.

Thorium adds both a Healer and Bard class. I haven’t really played a Healer since it’s a lot more suitable for multiplayer and I play solo. The weapons seem to be a mixture of the usual classes (minus ranged), but with additional effects to heal you and/or allies. The healing and support spells is where it really appears to stand out from other classes. There are plenty of accessories to give additional effects. Since you’re supposed to be focused on healing allies, that’s a new playstyle right there.

The Bard class attacks with music, dealing symphonic damage. I suppose out of swinging, shooting, casting, summoning, and throwing, it is a different attack method, which is what the vanilla classes are based off of. It uses its own resource called inspiration that rapidly goes down and recharges quickly, leading to bursts of damage at a time. Each weapon on hit grants a buff to the user and allies, actively encouraging using different weapons at once. No other class directly encourages this. A lot of the weapons perform similar to magic weapons, with a few throwing weapons, a single melee weapon, and even a couple of summon sentries. There are also music sheets that can place instruments on the ground to give additional buffs. Weapons are broken up into brass, percussion, string, wind, and other instruments. Each category shares a common attack style and benefits from specific accessories. The focus on weapon switching to keep up different buffs and music sheets to add even more buffs can make this feel like a new playstyle. It’s a support class, but also strong enough to play solo with.

Tremor adds the Alchemist class. Like other mods with custom classes, there are accessories to change things up here as well, in this case, mainly explosion styles. This class focuses on one specific weapon type, flaks. It’s like the Toxic Flask made into a class. There are very few sprayers that shoot the flasks out like gas, adding a bit of ranged into the mix. Mostly you’re throwing flasks. Personally I think it feels too much like the thrower class. It would be like if yoyos were made into a new class instead of being a part of melee. It already has specific accessories for it too. This could have been a new weapon type for throwers. I wouldn’t call it a new playstyle. Still I find some of the flasks neat to use.

Unusacies' Battle Rods Mod adds in new battle fishing rods as a separate class that deal fishing damage. The rods throw out a bobber that sticks to enemies and damages them every so often. There are plenty of accessories that affect how this process works, including throwing out multiple bobbers that have split damage among themselves. The rods themselves have special effects like double damage to bosses or even throwing out multiple bobbers at once. You can even reel in enemies toward you or reel yourself toward them. Early game, your ability to deal with crowds is extremely limited. Even vanilla class weapons that can only hit one mob at a time have more speed to deal with crowds quicker. I’m not sure if I can call it a new playstyle entirely, but it is neat for what it is. The mod itself seems to be underrated and hardly has any attention.

For the sake of completion of new class mods I’ve tried, The Enigma Mod adds the Mystic class. It’s most likely a WIP so it wouldn’t be fair for me to compare it the same way I did the other classes. So far it adds magic style weapons that have three different firing modes. The future content section mentions the class will do damage entirely through debuffs, so it’s most likely incomplete.

Also for the sake of completion, I’m not really try to self-promote since that feels like bad taste to me, but my own mod, Expanded Sentries, makes summon sentry weapons into their own classes and adds a bunch of new ones. It’s not really a new idea as it’s more of making a sub class into its own class, much like how throwing weapons used to be ranged, but then were made into a separate, but incomplete class. Very few accessories exist to change things up, other than sentry fire speed and turret range that are variables unique to this mod. The playstyle difference comes from setting up choke points and tower defense style play.

Are there any other mods that add new classes that I’ve missed?
I guess its kind of late now but you should try "N terraria". It adds alot of implementation to the existing classes. I know. It focuses more on making terraria into a RPG game but it really changes on how you play the existing classes.
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