NPCs & Enemies More Marble Enemies, Miniboss and a New Boss


Empress of Light
If you came across the Marble Biome and you tired of the Enemies and Boss that didn't came well here's my suggestion of the Marble Enemies and a New Boss so read this.

Spawns: Pre-Hardmode and Hardmode
Health: 33 / 65
Type: Beetle Enemie
Environment: Marble Biome
AI Type: Beetle AI
Damage: 20 / 31
The Marbeetle will spawn in a Marble Biome and he will run and jump at you!
Drops: Marbeetle Husk

Marble Chest Mimic
Spawns: Hardmode
Health: 63 / 71
Type: Tiny Mimic AI
Environment: Marble Biome
Damage: 20 / 38
Marble Mimic is looks like a chest but it's a Mimic and it's tiny and it will have a change to drop some goods!
Drops: Marble Dual, Marboomerang and Marble Necklace

Living Marble Statue
Spawns: Pre-Hardmode and Hardmode
Health: 15 / 26
Type: Mimic AI
Environment: Marble Biome
Damage: 31 / 42
A living Marble Statue is on a Marble House and he will catch you up!
Drops: Normal Marble Statues

Spawns: PreHardmode and Hardmode
Health: 21 / 42
Type: Worm AI
Environment: Marble Biome
Damaged: 20 / 31
A creature of the queen Meduesa's army, he will bite you and poisonous you
Drops: Snake Scarf

Mini Boss:
Possession Maraith
Spawns: Hardmode
Health: 390 / 580
Type: Wraith AI
Environment: Marble Biome
Damage: 54 / 67
A Wraith but it's big and huge and it will go through walls and stuff.
Drops: Marble Staff and Marble Piece (is a pet summon)

Queen Meduesa
Type: Boss
Environment: Marble Biome
AL Type: Queen Medusa AI
Damaged: 43 / 69
Defense: 19
Boss Health: 2205 / 3908
The queen of the Marble biome and she will shoot snakes at you and poising you and the worst part is---- the eyes that will stare at you and become a stone!
Drops: Medusa's Head (Expert Mode)
Treasure Bag (Expert Mode)
Meduesa's Staff
Beholding Bow
Queen Meduesa's Head
Meduesa's Dress
Marble Slicer
Books of Meduesas

Hope you like my suggestion if you do like or if you don't than that's fine to me :)
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