Mobile Overcoming the lack of logic gates in mobile and console version


Hi all!

I'm a fairly neophytic engineer, but I was trying to overcome the lack of logic gates in mobile. Without much effort, I came up with an elementary version using actuators.



However, this is very inefficient, clunky, and impractical. First you determine whether the levers are both on... if that is true, then it requires a 3rd input (the switch on top). I figured it would be a good idea to bring this to the forms. Maybe the elite coalition of brilliant engineers - known as T-MEC - could provide some insight. (I just wanted to be able to say that last sentence)
Are there rails in mobile? Because you could replace logic gates with some "tracktronics". I don't really know much about mobile terraria to be honest.
I would assume hoiks don't work.
Are there rails in mobile? Because you could replace logic gates with some "tracktronics". I don't really know much about mobile terraria to be honest.
I would assume hoiks don't work.
There are in fact tracks... and hoiking works too, I just don't know enough about either one
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