Weapons & Equip Phasesaber changes


For phaseblade/sabers…maybe give a small chance to reflect a projectile and have that chance increased when it’s made into a saber. To make it more than just a colorful true melee stick.

And another addition that I’ve had in my mind ever since I was a little kid:

Using all gems (decreased amount) to make a rainbow phase saber (the sprite color could look like one of the rainbow dye variants) with increased stats since it’s made of all the gems.

I would also like to see an overhaul on these weapons. Since their creation they’ve stayed the same rave sticks getting few buffs over time. I would love to see a rework on these weapons.

Looking forward to comments and responses. ✌️
I just want to see this in Terraria... (Though it's not possible. Probably. TT )
I just want to see this in Terraria... (Though it's not possible. Probably. TT )
View attachment 420188

It would be so neat, and it would be addable, as the Terraprisma has similar coding. I just don't see that it would be worth it honestly, despite how cool it is. What they need to do is make a Star Wars game where this is capable.

On topic: I don't see this suggestion as being necessary, as the lightsabers are in a good place right now. However, it would be neato if the sabers could Deflect projectiles with, say, a 33% chance.

View attachment 420205
It would be so neat, and it would be addable, as the Terraprisma has similar coding. I just don't see that it would be worth it honestly, despite how cool it is. What they need to do is make a Star Wars game where this is capable.

On topic: I don't see this suggestion as being necessary, as the lightsabers are in a good place right now. However, it would be neato if the sabers could Deflect projectiles with, say, a 33% chance.
The Blade/Sabers are useless in every way, shape, and form. Even the pearlwood sword is easier to obtain and probably preforms the same. While you're trying to grab the shards and not die you'll probably get beam sword from an enemy down there and use that until you get something else.

It's just not worth getting, and especially not in PH. By the time a meteor falls I'm post world evil boss and into the best tier of stuff.

If they get a rework and some changes they'll be worth making aside from just some CTG game with friends.
The Blade/Sabers are useless in every way, shape, and form. Even the pearlwood sword is easier to obtain and probably preforms the same. While you're trying to grab the shards and not die you'll probably get beam sword from an enemy down there and use that until you get something else.

It's just not worth getting, and especially not in PH. By the time a meteor falls I'm post world evil boss and into the best tier of stuff.

If they get a rework and some changes they'll be worth making aside from just some CTG game with friends.

However, it would be neato if the sabers could Deflect projectiles with, say, a 33% chance.

Regardless of my opinion on its necessity, I support the idea. Although, I'm not sure why you quoted Red, as if that invalidates my opinion in any way.
I also wanna see phaseblade/saber doing more. Either having parry mechanic for projectile or maybe just specifically against laser, or having secondary attack that do cool stuffs.
I also wanna see phaseblade/saber doing more. Either having parry mechanic for projectile or maybe just specifically against laser, or having secondary attack that do cool stuffs.
Or have it go through walls, because light saber (cut through multiple layers of a futuristic metal door in the phantom menace).
Secondary attack feels too calamity to me and probably too hard for the devs to do on this platform.
There could also be a team saber… matching your team color.
Probably would require each team gem color.
(emerald, ruby, amethyst, Diamond, sapphire, topaz)
EDIT: why does Diamond auto-capitalize
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