Plantora's Buld Spawning Mechanics?

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So, I tried to look for good plantera's bulbs farms. Iam trying to get The Axe and I've been killing a lot of Planteras lately. The problem is that I have to look for bulbs all the time, and so I was thinking about building a farm. Here are some questions that I couldn't find helpfull information about it:

Will background grass and bushes affect bulbs spawning?
I read on reddit that it doesn't, it will simply destroy the bushes behind it and spawn. But I also read it somewhere that it does. So, does it or not?

Can bulbs someone close to each other?
On the wiki it says they will roughly spawn 150~300 tiles away from each other, but I've watched a lot of videos where there are 10 bulbs together.

Bigger underground jungle equals more spawns?
On the wiki, it says the bigger the underground jungle, the best your spawn rates will be. If I understood correctly, and if this information is correct, it means I can't just destroy the whole jungle in order to limit the bulbs spawning outside of my farm, right?

If you guys could help me here, I would be really gratefull.
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